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Serelath Rhuivaul

Former PC

Serelath has found a new home at The Bureau after saving it from destruction. It now provides her protection from her past life and a chance for adventure and a test of her skills now as a security officer for the organization.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ahylean grew up in Bakianna. She doesn’t know what happened to her parents, she just knows they weren’t around and that her uncle Terryn the closest thing she has ever had to a parent. But, as tensions rose around her, Terryn ended up getting “recruited” (this is a nice way of saying he was conscripted without choice) into the militia for a smaller lord who was trying to take power away from Kuduykî Kîkuka. He would come home later and later, some days intoxicated but he was never mean to her. On those days he would just be sad, talking about how he missed her parents and wished he could be there for her more. This became a bit of a pattern for her, her uncle rarely being around, although he always made sure she had food and all the necessities. She started spending her free time with children her age, some of who lived on the streets, teaching her things like how to run across the rooftops, how to pick a pocket, and how to be quiet when necessary. Somedays, she almost felt as if she belonged out there with the others; in fact, she started jokingly calling one teen a few years older than her, Branin, a “big brother” (“You’re such a big brother to everyone Branin, geez”). But she always knew it was different because she had a home to return to, an uncle. Until one-day Terryn said he would, he never returned home. Ahylean found out her uncle had been killed in a conflict between his lord’s militia and that of Kuduykî Kîkuka. She would be sent to an orphanage. She’d have to leave her friends, her brother. She didn’t want that.   So, Ahylean ran away and ended up on the streets with Branin. She learned how to throw knives, how to survive on the streets, and how to talk to people to convince them of things. She avoided anything and everything to do with the war and learned how to be selfish. Her world to her was still just her people and herself and she realized that to survive she needed to limit her sympathy. She could only give when it wouldn’t have any sort of adverse effect on her or her people and even then, it was more of a suggestion than anything else. Ahylean found out about her fire abilities accidentally. One of the younger children on the street had tried to steal some food from the market and was going to be taken away by a guard. In her attempt to protect the kid, Ahylean burnt the guard, killing him. It sort of freaked her out and she brought the kid back to Branin. They swore the kid to secrecy, but now that Ahylean had used her power once, she was determined to figure out these powers.   She grew more and more distant from Branin as she focused more on improving herself and her powers. What she didn’t know when she was approached by Branin and some of his friends was that he was a part of the resistance against Kîkuka. She thought they just wanted to hang out, have a good time and they did for a bit. But, one of Branin’s friends started talking about how he’d heard she was a good thief, one of the best, and called her out to her face saying that he didn’t think she was good enough to say, steal from Kîkuka. Ahylean was always looking for another challenge and money, so after securing a promise of funds should she succeed, she agreed. And so, she stole the journal of one of the most powerful men in her kingdom.   She was noticed as she snuck away, however, and correctly identified. When she returned to her brother’s place she found that he and his friends had cleared out and found a note left by them informing her that she had been noticed and now there was an evergrowing bounty on the head of Ahylean Banceli. Kîkuka wanted her brought to him, dead or alive, and the journal she stole returned.   Her brother had abandoned her. Even if she tried to return the stupid journal, she would just be executed or imprisoned forever for managing to steal it in the first place. So, she ran. She changed her name and her hair color. She got her hair cut. The long caramel brown hair of Ahylean Banceli was replaced by the short fiery red hair of Serelath Rhuivaul.   The Bureau is her shield to hide and as a bonus a great way to make money! She doesn’t know if she ever plans to return home or how she would react if she ran into Branin. She doesn’t know what to do with this damned journal she can’t even open. It was evidently worth the effort of putting a giant bounty on her head, or maybe that was just the price of stealing from a man who cares more for his pride than the lives of his people.   DISCLAIMER: The above information is paraphrased from the Player Character's history and all creative rights about this character's history remain in sole possession of that player.
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