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A modern language developed by goblinoids, who find it hard to speak Seldruin due to their general lack of magical prowess. It is very loosely based on Seldruin, with an extreme emphasis on ‘loosely’. Gobbledygook is called Gobbley or Gobberish, for short, and finds a surprising amount of use among merchants and low class ruffians in southwestern Edras.

Common Phrases

  "Moghrey dhyt!"   “Good morning."
  "Bannaght lhiat."   "See you later."
  A Greeting for an Old Friend
  "She tammylt liauyr neayr's honnick mee oo."   "Long time no see."
  A Common Toast
  "Slaynt vie, bea veayn, beeal fliugh as baase ayns paal skeag."   "Good health, a long life, a wet mouth, and death in the thorned hedge."
  A Exclamatory Curse
  "Mynnaghyn mollaght y cheau neose er!"   "Curses hail down on you!"
  A Battle Cry
  "Raipit ayns skilleigyn!"   "Tear them into strips!"
Spoken By
Goblins, Hobgoblins, Bugbears, etc.
Gobbledygook Translator


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