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Once called the Urskari, these intelligent bear-like beings are a highly spiritual race that for millennia have lived in cities built upon, and carved into, icebergs that float through the vast arctic seas.   Unlike most other Progeny, they do not serve the Primordials or their Emanations in the Age of Kings. In the wake of the War of Souls and the annihilation of not only their god (the Emanation called Mielikki, Our Lady of the Forest), but also Dranlegoritha, the primordial from which all beasts and countless Soulborn races were birthed, they abandoned that ancient conflict. Defeated and branded anathema by the culled Soulborn of the deities, like many other progeny, they retreated as far from the civilizations of the deities as they could. Unfortunately, unlike progeny of other primordials, they were unable to retreat into an ascendant realm, as their primordial had perished and his realm had been taken by Enmensur. Instead, they hid in the deepest caves, thickest forests, and furthest frozen reaches of Edras.   In this exile, the koda slowly turned away from the memory of the primordials and their emanations and began to embrace a more primal understanding of Edras itself. Myths and legends tell many tales of how the Urskari came to this new spiritual enlightenment, though no one today remembers which is the truth. Perhaps it was the otherwordly visit from Eboguma, who said that it was a primal spirit of the land itself; or maybe it was the story of the infectious song that bubbled forth from an ancient fissure in the earth and taught the bearfolk spiritual wisdom; it could have even been the tale of a dream mystically shared between the elder leaders that showed them the world before the primordials and how it could have been.   Whatever it was that actually happened to the ancient Urskari, it was powerful enough of an experience to shift their entire culture. The divorced themselves from the chains of the past and began a new path forward under the banned of Koda, their word for the world spirit. In this new path, they decided, they would henceforth be called the Kodan and their purpose would be neither that of the progeny, nor that of the culled, but the middle path between the two - the way of the world.  


The kodan are a highly religious race, though not of any formal or organized religion known to the other Soulborn of Edras. Closest to the teachings of the Song of Edras (which no small number of scholars theorize was started by ancient Kodan clans), their beliefs are centered in the idea of balance, with worship and respect for Koda at the core of their culture and society.   However, this does not mean that they are pacifists; they view hunting and killing as a natural order of life, as long as it is done in order to serve the balance.   The kodan are not without disputes and disagreements, but they consider themselves "above" most interpersonal conflict. To them, balance is more important than an individual's needs. The will of their god, Koda, supersedes any single kodan's wishes.   The kodan also believe that everyone will always be reborn as their own race until they reach a higher stage of enlightenment, after which they reincarnate a step up in the spiritual ladder. Of course, in their view they have reached the top of this ladder and are therefore responsible for maintaining balance, and they are not afraid to use force to do so.

Basic Information


The Kodan appear as massive, nearly ten foot tall, bear-like humanoids. Their fur is thick and well-insulated with layers of fat, usually colored in tones of black, brown, or white. Their claws can be nearly a foot long if their are allowed to grow and can be just as sharp as any short sword. Their eyes are relatively small for their ursine heads and tend to be entirely black with little to no white showing.

Genetics and Reproduction

Pregnancy among the bearfolk is a sacred state of being, celebrated by a mother-to-be's entire clan. Kodan young gestate for a long 13 months and are usually born in litters of three or four. Kodan young are said to be weak and easily susceptible to outside influence. As such, they are heavily guarded and rarely—if ever—seen by outsiders.

Growth Rate & Stages

Kodan reach the age of maturity around 17 years old and can live to be nearly 300 years of age.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The kodan choose their own names, basing it off of their personality, past, actions, occupations, or something that they find suitable. In essence, they choose a name which they feel describes them best. As such, their names are usually descriptions or nouns of some form.   For example, Still Waters chose his name to remind himself of a past event and Farthest Shore took that name because she felt distant from her people. Kodan will also change their names to suit their evolving personalities or changed circumstances, for example, Watchful Moon changed his name from "Laughs at the Dawn" after his wife died.   Kodan children are simply referred to as 'child' until they are old enough to choose a name for themselves.

Common Dress Code

Kodan love well-crafted armors and even those who have little skill in the warrior arts (for who could say that a ten foot tall bipedal bear man with foot-long claws has none at all?) own at least a set or two to wear to public events and religious ceremonies.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

For centuries, the kodan have have lived in cities built upon, and carved into, icebergs that float through the the arctic seas. These massive, mobile cities of rock and ice are known as Sanctuaries. Their Sanctuaries both act as shelters and as spiritual havens. Within the core of the Sanctuaries lie shrines to Koda and the Voice of the tribe and iceberg city. Their society is divided into tribes, each one having their own iceberg and leaders, wherein the communities of kodan strive to act in concert and live in peace.   The kodan are divided into tribes, with each tribe having two equally important leaders: the Voice and the Claw. The Voice is the spiritual leader of a tribe, passing on messages of Koda and giving guidance to the Claw. They are capable of sensing the balance of the Sanctuary and the world around it. The Voice of each sanctuary communicates with Koda directly, linking their mind to the astral plane in order to hear his word. This, in turn, is interpreted by each Sanctuary's Claw. The constant exposure of the Voice's mind to the astral plane can, in rare cases, cause the Rage of Koda. The Voice is tended to by shamans and before death passes on his role to one of his caretakers. The Claw is the physical leader of the tribe, protecting the Sanctuary and the Voice, and turns the Voice's words into actions.   Outside a small group of shamans, who tend to the Voice's needs to keep him alive, only the Claw may speak to the Voice. The Claw also leads the hunters and warriors of the Sanctuary. Neither of the two leaders has the power to overturn the others' decisions.   The Claw and Voice are often chosen at the same time, and end their rule together. If one dies, it is tradition for the other to retire. Between these two kodan, the Sanctuary of the tribe is very organized.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Kodan are best described as neutral observers in the world of Edras. Rarely do they feel they need to intervene in the affairs of other races, though when they do so it is usually with a stubborn ferocity and directness that many find intimidating.   Although the kodan will not hold an individual responsible for the actions of their race, they do tend to judge races as a whole, often based upon the actions of a few of their members. When they meet a new race, the kodan will take time to evaluate the race and determine how best to bring them into balance. However, for races that are openly hostile, such as the dark elves, the kodan will make their judgement quickly and with extreme violence.   They are most well known by the other races of Edras as traders, merchants, sages, and scholars - occasionally docking their massive sanctuaries in ports across the entirety of the continent to engage in trade or observation.
Dranlegoritha, Whose Fangs Rend the Heavens
300 years
Average Height
Average Weight
545 lbs.
Founding Emanation
Mielikki, Our Lady of the Forests

Racial Stats


ability score increase: +1 Con, +1 Str, +1 Wis
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft
Languages: Eolian‌, Shioani‌, and one other of your choice
race features:
Powerful Build.
You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Your claws are as long as a child’s hand, and a natural weapon you can use to make unarmed attacks. If you hit with them you deal slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage for an unarmed strike. In addition, if not wearing footwear, ice, rock, and snow is not difficult terrain for you and you have a climb speed equal to half of your walking speed.
Animal Instincts.
You have proficiency in the Survival skill.
Reinforced Body & Soul.
Any creature that could move through your space, for any reason, cannot do so.
The Spirit of Koda.
You know one cantrip of your choice from the following list: control flames, gust, mold earth, or shape water. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.


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