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Originating from the deepest recesses of Har’oloth, the Upside Down, the Myceteum are unique among all the Soulborn of Edras. Rather than being birthed as a singular organism, they instead exist as huge colonies of tiny, ooze-like individuals which form into a unified whole. While they may refer to themselves in the plural, each Myceteum colony is unique in their appearance, knowledge, and personality.   Although they may share a common ancestor with their gelatinous cousins, Myceteum colonies are distinctly different; they are newborn, intelligent lifeforms with true souls rather than simply sentient ooze. However, it is thought that individual Myceteum possess tiny motes of proto-souls that coalesce into true souls only when they are joined together in a large enough colony.  


While their individual intelligence may be minute, when formed into a colony they act as any other mortal race, with certain exceptions. Myceteum do not have an innate concept of individuality, regardless of their individual ability to think and act outside of a colony. Preliminary research by certain wayward scholars posits that this may be due to how an individual Myceteum, in and of themselves, acts as its own tiny colony.   Myceteum have a natural air of naivety about them as a result of how quickly they come into existence and how cloistered they tend to be from the rest of Edras. Once being exposed to the existence of other Soulborn, many Myceteum choose to leave their caves and groves of origin to explore the world and learn about its cultures.   This natural curiosity and inherently high rate of Echo within their race has led to the Myceteum being tightly constrained by the machinations and propaganda of the Emanation that spawned them, Juiblex. It, and its servants, keep control of the Myceteum populations through strict indoctrination into the ways and beliefs of the Primordials, specifically Shuul'sogua, Who Devours the Roots of the World.

Basic Information


Myceteum are semi-translucent with color ranging from cream to aqua, olive, plum, or even ink, although their coloring does remain consistent throughout the colony. Due to their amorphous physiology, Myceteum have no defined internal structure, and as such are able to alter their physical form on a whim. Some tend to the resemble the other Soulborn races they first met, while others choose to define for themselves a primary physical form. These chosen forms can range from the otherworldly quadruped shapes to bipedal nearly-humanoid forms; some even choose to emulate their cousins and form into singular amorphous stalk that slithers across the ground. It is not unusual for colonies to attempt to duplicate the form and structure of the person they are talking to in order to better understand that individual, though it almost always comes off as creepy.

Genetics and Reproduction

Myceteum reproduce by splitting off a tiny part of their colony that then quickly grows into a new, full-sized member of the race. This process is incredibly draining on the progenitor Myceteum, though, so reproduction is fairly infrequent.

Growth Rate & Stages

They mature at a rate unfathomable to other races, reaching adulthood mere days after splitting off from their parent colony. As Myceteum consist of a protoplasmic hive-mind colony, individual members within the colony are born as quickly as they die so long as the colony remains satiated. Thus, they theoretically have no natural end to their lifespans and are functionally immune to magical effects which forcibly age them.

Ecology and Habitats

Myceteum are almost exclusively found in the depths of the Upside Down, though rarely colonies will make their way to the surface and find homes in swamps or primeval groves.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Myceteum must consume about one tenth of their colony weight in natural materials per day. This material can be animal, vegetable, or mineral in nature and is consumed by being engulfed into the colony itself and slow broken down by the colonies acidic slime.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Though the Myceteum do not naturally address each other by names due to their tactical language, certain colonies may adopt the name given to them on first contact with other races. Unfortunately, that fact holds true regardless of whether that first contact is an act of friendship or a derogatory slur based upon their likeness to a gelatinous cousin.   Common Myceteum Names: Slime, Goop, Jelly, Thing, Bile, Trash, Buddy, Ooze, or Cutie.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Myceteum do not naturally speak at birth, instead learning their languages later in life through other races. As a result, they naturally communicate through a form of tactile language by way of their countless cilia, similar to a novel form of sign language.   Once becoming a colony, individual Myceteum organisms are joined into a perfect hive-mind and thus are able to instantly and perfectly communicate amongst each other.

Common Dress Code

Myceteum find clothing both nonsensical and infinitely captivating. It is as common to find one who eschews clothing altogether, as it is to find one who is enamored with its collections of odd and exotic wears from across the continent.


They are the Children of Shuul'sogua, Who Devours the Roots of the World and have remained loyal to it since the War of Souls.
Shuul'sogua, Who Devours the Roots of the World
Theoretically Infinite
Average Height
3' - 10'
Average Weight
30-300 lbs.
Founding Emanation
Juiblex, the Faceless Lord

Racial Stats



Ability Score Increase +2 Con, +1 other of your choice
Size Medium
Speed 20ft

Although you are without eyes, your colony has perfected the use of magically perceiving the world through their countless cilia. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Your liquid body allows you to change shape at will. As an action, you can move through gaps and crevices as small as 1 inch in diameter at half your walking speed; equipment otherwise unable to fit is left behind. Grapple attempts made against you have disadvantage.
You do not die when you fail your third Death Saving Throw after being reduced to 0 hit points. Instead, you remain Incapacitated while your head separates from your body and begins the slow process of regenerating. After one long rest you are no longer Incapacitated, but make all rolls at disadvantage and have your maximum hit points reduced by half until you have completed 1d4 additional long rests.
Acid Mantle
As Myceteum, you are resistant to acid damage. As an action, you can excrete a concentrated acidic slime from your skin that deals proficiency bonus acid damage to any creature that comes into contact with you via a grapple or unarmed attack. The acidic coating lasts for 10 minutes and once used cannot be used again until you have completed a long rest.
You risk the deterioration of your colony while in direct contact with heavy rain or running water. While under heavy rain you have disadvantage on attack rolls, and if you start your turn submerged in water or in running water you take 1d4 cold damage and have disadvantage on ability checks. You are also left vulnerable to damage caused by spells or abilities that drain moisture or attack with water.
Your body serves as a container; you can hold up to 1 cubic foot of material. While stored in this way, the contents cannot be stolen by non-magical means without a contested Strength (Athletics) check by the target which alerts you to the act regardless of a success or failure.
Slime Slumber
You do not require sleep, instead you you must spend at least six hours in an inactive, motionless state in which you engage in cellular regeneration. In this state you appear inert, but are otherwise conscious, allowing you to see and hear as normal.

Languages. Eolian, Shurkash, and one other of your choice


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