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The ancient language of Vohamanah's children; it cannot be spoken, only sung. When written, Omanu appears almost like sheet music, it's various "letters" representing not only phonemes, but notes and tones. Omanu contains the vast majority of blessings and prayers in Edrasian tongues, finding use even among the followers of the Brisingelion. 

Common Phrases

  Formal Greeting
  "Shlam'alokhon."   "Peace be upon you."
  Formal Farewell
  "Hadran alakh Masekhet ve-hadrakh alan da'atan alakh Masekhet."   "We will return to you and you will return to us"
  Formal Blessing
  "Malkath de’alma yevarekh yatkhon."   "May the kings of the world bless you."
  Informal Blessing
  "Nithqadash shmakh."   "May thy name be holy."
  Prayer for Persecution
  "Tubweyhun layleyn detrdep metol khenuta dilhounie malkutha d’shamaya."   "Blessings to those who are displaced in the cause of justice: they will be at home in me (Vohamanah)."
Omanic Chords
Spoken By
Angels, Pegasi, Kirin, Unicorns, Coatl, Aasimar, etc.
Omanu Translator


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