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A bizarre language used by psychically inclined Outsiders. This language isn't written, but is instead imprinted in psychically resonant crystals. It is nearly impossible to speak or understand this language without psychic sensitivity or arcane assistance.  

Common Phrases

  Formal Greeting
"Xal oloth ser dosst chath ugul."   "May darkness keep your fire low."
  Formal Farewell
"Ortelanth lil' ssussun anika' ragar dos ulnin."   "Pray the light does not find you soon."
  Informal Greeting
"Oloth ser dos."   "Darkness keep you."
  Informal Farewell
"Xal ssussun gyolaen dos."   "May light oppose you."
  Insult to Gnomes
"Inlul faerl zatoasten!"   "Small, magical bastards!"
Spoken By
Mind flayers, Beholders, Neogi, Gith, etc.
Quorpoth Translator


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