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A secret language used by the Shroud and other ne'er do wells. Shadowtongue may use Eolian words, but it's so full of slang and double-entendres, that it can be spoken right in front of the unwitting without alerting them to the speaker’s true motives. When written, Shadowtongue is simply a series of coded cyphers written or scratched into a nearby surface, usually to mark something.

Common Phrases

  "Knock-knock."   “Hello."
  "Bene darkmans."   "Goodnight."
  A Phrase
  "Think I’ll troll about, maybe stop by the academy to knock a doxie onces or twice before I whip off home."   "I think I’ll wander around, maybe stop by the whorehouse to have sex with a prostitute once or twice before I head home."
  Proposing a Job
  "You wanna heave a cough at darkmans? I know a good crib where a sealer don’t dub up rightly."   "Do you want to rob a house tonight? I know a home full of loot where a money lender doesn’t lock things up the right way."
Coded Cyphers
Spoken By
The Shroud, Rogues, Thieves, etc.
Shadowtongue Translator 1
Shadowtongue Translator 2


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