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The ancient language of Verathrox's children, also called Gravespeak. The sound of Thresk is akin to bones grinding against one another - abrupt starts and stops accompanied by guttural clicks and rattles. Unsurprisingly, most necromantic magics are conjured by the speaking of this language. The written form of Thresk is best described as a sequence of occult strokes and incisions.

Common Phrases

  Formal Greeting
  "Vašy kosci vitajucca."   “Your bones are welcome."
  Formal Farewell
  "Niachaj ty adpačyvaješ u ziamli."   "May you rest in the earth."
  Saying on Death
  "Nie bojsia smierci; čym raniej my pamrem, tym daŭžej my budziem nieŭmiručymi."   "Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer we shall be immortal."
  Culinary Proverb
  "Čym bližej kostka, tym saladziej miakać."   "The nearer the bone, the sweeter the flesh."
  A Prayer for the End Times
  "Padymajciesia i padymajciesia znoŭ, pakuĺ nie zjavicca pyl i kosci."   "Rise and rise again, till all be dust and bones."
Spoken By
Vampires, Shadar Kai, Banshees, Ghosts, Liches, etc.
Thresk Translator


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