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The ancient language of Protagoras' children; it has 15 different ways to decline verbs and is regarded as the most complicated (and the most literal) language on Edras. There are not many words to describe emotional states in Thulaic, but expressions based on factual observations have been developed to more-or-less fill the void. Virtually all higher math and "science" finds its route in this language. Notably, Thulaic words don't seem to be able to evoke magical effects - other than wards and a small number of enchantments.

Common Phrases

  Formal Greeting
  "Si vales bene est, ego valeo."   "If you are well, it is good, I am well."
  Formal Farewell
  "Valeas quam optime."   "May you be as well as possible."
  Informal Greeting
  "Salve."   "Greetings."
  Informal Farewell
  "Vale."   "Goodbye."
  Proverb on Work
  "Par sit fortuna labori."   "Let the success be equal to the labor."
  Expression of Anger
  "Meus est pugnus oraque comprimit inclusisque stricta et cortex mali punici genae."   "My fist is clenched and my teeth are tight."
Spoken By
Constructs, Dwarves, Gnomes, Warforged, etc.
Thulaic Translator


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