The Cults of the Elder Mythos Organization in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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The Cults of the Elder Mythos

The Elder Mythos is the name given to a group of powerful beings inimical to mortal life living in the void of the Dark Tapestry. These beings can be divided into two categories: the Outer Gods, who are equal in power to true deities, and Great Old Ones, who are more akin to demigods. The Great Old Ones are often seen as heralds or high priests of the Outer Gods and both are worshipped by various - often insane - cults.   Many worlds have legends of formidable alien entities that have existed since before the universe began—before time, before birth, before death, before even the oldest of the gods. These [[Outer Gods]] are just as powerful as other deities and attract the veneration of mortal, though often insane, worshipers. But while the Outer Gods themselves usually have little interest in mortal affairs, the same can’t be said of their cultists, who seek to bring about circumstances to herald a new age for the universe, in which the reawakened [[Great Old Ones]] and Outer Gods can assume their rightful roles as the true masters of existence.   The cults have few allies, even among each other, and are barely noticed by their patrons. Cultists primarily worship the Outer Gods and Great Old Ones for power and use the promise of power or nightmarish truths to gather weak-willed pawns which they then use to further their goals.
Secret, Occult


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