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Edrazion, Beyond the Veil

714 AG

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A Galaxy on Fire...

In the distant future, many tens of thousands of years after the age of the primordials and the War of Souls, the Edrazion galaxy has borne both terrible and wonderous change. The original Edras system, with its once-boundless magic, has been lost to the annals of time, becoming a distant myth and legend.   The peoples and creatures of Edras have embarked on a grand journey, expanding beyond their home world and venturing into the vastness of the black. With their mastery over both magic and advanced technologies, they have colonized countless planets, establishing thriving civilizations and forging mighty empires in the millennia since the diaspora.   The expansion into the Vast is punctuated by the Gap. A recent phenomenon affecting all memories and records across the entire galaxy. Every memory and record of the Edras system was removed from the inhabitants of Edrazion, along with everything covering of an indeterminate number of years. Even the deities are silent on the subject, vaguely referring to the safety of the lost system of Edras. No members of any species remembers what happened during the unknown number of years covered by the Gap.   Very little is known about what happened during the Gap, or even how long it lasted. Judging from carbon dating and astrochronology, it seemed to have lasted several millennia, although the exact end dates vary by location. Some planets record that it ended 710 years ago, while on others it seems to have ended only 675 before the present day.   In the wake of the Gap and the proliferation of Drift technology, the galaxy has exploded into a tapestry of diverse cultures, each influenced by the legacy of Edras. The Heirs of Edras, those races descended from both the Culled and the Progeny of the now lost system, have spread far and wide. As they did so, the Heirs discovered that they were not alone in the void - there were others scattered throughout the galaxy, bizarre races of never-before-seen aliens with no connection to the Edras system - these were the Forerunners. Dwarves, shirren, elves, lashunta, orcs, and many stranger alien species now coexist in a universe shaped by their rich histories and shared heritage. Even so, many blood feuds have survived this unfathomable expanse of time and old battle lines are frequently drawn up between the Heirs and the Forerunners.   The empires that have arisen from the expansion of the Edrazion races vie for power and dominance across the stars. They have developed advanced magical and technological systems, blending the mystical arts with futuristic advancements. Powerful spaceships powered by arcane energy and guided by the wisdom of the Divine Ministry, sail through the Drift in search of adventure, discovery, and glory.   Yet, amidst this age of grandeur and progress, shadows loom on the horizon. Threats both from within and without threaten the ever fragile stability of the galaxy. In this age of stellar empires, conflicts arise as entire systems plot against one another, seeking to expand their dominion. While some rulers strive for harmony and unity, others succumb to the temptations of power and become consumed by the darkness of greed and hatred.   Forces from other realms and dimensions seek to unravel the delicate balance established by the Heirs and Forerunners. Beyond the edges of civilized space, malevolent beings gather strength, plotting to plunge the galaxy into chaos and darkness. As the empires of the vast struggle to maintain peace and protect their realms, the eyes of ancient cosmic entities turn ever towards Edrazion, drawn by the remnants of its once-boundless magic.   The Heirs of Edras and the Forerunners must together navigate the complexities of interstellar politics, harness the power of their ancestral magics, and confront the lurking darkness that threatens to consume the galaxy. The legacy of the primordials and the deeds of the past shape their present, while the fate of Edrazion and the universe itself hangs in the balance.

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