
7955 AE
seventeen families from Southgate keep traveled Down the mountain and sought to find a new location free of mining rights, regulations on digging and land grants.
Rodem family, Uthur family, Macgill family, Macduff family, Vladiv Family, Huxley Family, Ruther Family, Rockore Clan, Ironeye Clan, Bauer Clan, Bearhome Family, Derrik Family, Almeda Family, and four others.
These families hit the Foothill River and turned North by Northwest. The foothills on the South side of the river became home tothe families and they began mining along the river.
Gold in abundance and even Quartz formations the size of a round shield were found daily during these mining digs for the family. Much of Gothmyr's gold influx came from this mountain range, but much of what seventeen families mined was collected and kept secret for the further riches of their growing community.
Homes and shops, buildings and churches began to appear around the fourteen homesteads.
 they pushed forward to try to apply to the crown to be recognized as an official town.


8040 AF The mines dug into an old Deepdark tunnel. Monsters and things of shadow and evil poured out into the mines and then out further into the sky and the town itself. All within the town were killed and the local militia could barely contain the evil creatures but not before every person in town was killed or dragged back into the mines.
Most people within the region call the mine and the area cursed. Most steer clear unless they're adventurers or hired mercenaries sent to clear the gathering monsters using the ruins as a base.

8220 AF
The growing town of Woodbeek has begun to mine the foothills of the mountain range. Families are all aware of the cursed land to the N/NE of Woodbeek, and many stay far from the land or the mines there.
Fifteen documented teams tried to go clear the mines of monsters or creatures using the mines as a home. Only one of the fifteen have returned to woodbeek. Only one has claimed nightmare horrors in the mine being controlled by something deeper. 

The ruined homes and remnants of the seventeen families still stand, and some even have roofs and protect from the winter weather. Treasures of the lost hidden gold, and the other failed adventuring parties are rumored to still lay on the ground in the town, because no one dares enter the ruins.

Outpost / Base


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