
The Sun Jewel of the South

Al’Shiael is known as the Sun-jewel of the South, The Desert Realm. From deserts of endless sand, to hard baked earthen plateaus, Al’Shiael is a hot, harsh climate. From lush marshy riverbanks to granite filled cities of gold, Al’Shiael is truly a spectacle to the survivability of man. Over a hundred degrees in the shade during the day and almost freezing at night, Al’Shiael is not a region or land to take lightly.
Ancient Ziggurats and pyramids dot the horizon from everywhere and ruins of Ages past poke from the desert like bones form a long dead creature. The sands of Al’Shiael hold more ancient secrets and magic than most of the Wildreach and the North combined. It is said that life on Edus in the First Age happened here in Al’Shiael.

There are few true cities within Al’Shiael, but the most popular and largest is the capitol, Ramsheed. Situated on the southern coast, along a delta from the great river, Ramsheed is the hub of civilization in Al’Shiael and a true market town. It is one of the few cities in the nation that accepts visitors and outsiders without violent attacks on sight.
The region of Al’Shiael is dangerous. Giant scorpions, rabid packs of dune dogs, sphinxes and sandworms are merely the surface of the amount of trouble you can find in the dune of Al’Shiael. The ancient pyramids and other ruins found in the region are burial chambers and other ancient holy buildings. Those found looting or attempting to gain entry will be caught, hung and beheaded. There is a reason the punishment is so harsh for grave looting here. The pyramids are full of lost ancient treasures. Magical tomes of ancient lore, and items of pure gold are all rumored to be buried with the pyramid owners. You have been warned.

The current Shaik is His Majesty, Najibah Ibn Faris. Shaik Faris is a relaxed, opulent man who revels in his title and position. His men on his guard detail are treated as noble as the sultans under the Shaik. Shaik Faris is interested in Eastern culture and gladly accepts visitors to his city. When a special or particularly outstanding visitor arrives he is given a room in the Golden Citadel, Faris’s home.
Shaik Najibah is a leader that prefers to let his underling Governors and Mayors run their section of the country. The Shaik feels his job should be focusing on protecting his nation from threats without, while the under-rulers can deal with matter of state from within. Shaik Najibah does focus internally when it comes to taxes. his collection of monies owed to his throne are never with exception. He never harms his people, but has publicly beheaded his Governor in front of a crowd for being a few gold short.. Fair but demanding is how most describe his high exaltedness.

  • Sunless Mountains - Northernmost Range running West-East. Mountain Nomads, giants and Dwarves.
  • The Hot Steppes - Arid steppe lands Northwest corner of map. Gnoll, orc and wemic land. Numerous caves with Goblins.
  • The Dark Sands - Southeast of Hot Steppes. Low, flat cracked earth and mud. Ankhegs, Giant sand worms and undead.
  • Jackal Hills - Series of NW located hillocks. Jackalmen, beastlords, and gnoll tribes. Ruins abundant through all hillocks.
  • Ettin Steppes - North central steppelands below Sunless Mountains. Ettin tribes and giant steadings. Small lake as well.
  • Bawaaba Gates - Mountain pathway in Northeast corner leading to Hepulchor. Various military outposts and mines.
  • Eleph Peak - North east solitary mountain. Controlled by the Dark Dwarves under, and the Ogre tribes on surface.
  • Wuvum Hills - Central east area next to Silted river. land of the dark-skinned Shii named Amadi. Orc and Goblin tribes.
  • Anub Hills - Snaking hill series along west bank of Silted River. Goblins, gnolls, orc, Nomad tribes and undead.
  • North Vast - Huge mix of hard packed arid stone and desert dunes. Thri-kreen, Sand worms and giant snakes.
  • Awaha - Legendary deep valley full of trees, forest and ancient ruined temples. Pygmy, Orc, Scorpionmen.
  • Wa' - Small hill group with freshwater oasis and lake. Nomad tribes, trader market and camel breeders.
  • Cobra Bay - Western central river outlet into the sea. Lush green grass, wetlands. Gatormen, Catoplebas, Orc.
  • Western Rocks - NW to SE western border set of rocky hills. Thri-keen, Nomad tribes, Githyanki and Dwarves.
  • Dust Sea - Massive sand desert with huge dunes and sinkholes. Thri-keen, Nomad tribes, Desert giants, Sandworms.
  • Scar Sands - Western shore of Pharaoh bay. Towns, fishing villages, bandits, Gnolls.
  • Eastern Sands - Homeland of the Amadi. Mix of desert and scrubland. Orc and goblin tribes. Also gnolls.
  • Janub-Sh - Saltwater wetland. ruins and towns. Gatormen and gnolls.

Towns and Villages:
  • Ramsheed - Capital City and seat of the Pharaoh-Shaik.
  • Alam'sa - Small Amadi fighing village. Marshland farmers.
  • Dalambrat - Gnoll outpost and pirate town.
  • Pava - Small village of farming and trading.
  • Asmut - Large town with bridge to Eastern Sands. Gladiator pit and trading skiff.
  • Al Awan - Amadi town of traders, fishermen and farmers. small copper mines and town has bridge to Anub Hills.
  • Tunnis - Larrge trading town. Famous for silk and spices. sell boats for river use.
  • As'Dobru - Amadi ruled large river city. Farming, cotton and silk. Steel, iron and silver mines. Governor of Eastern Sands.
  • Atoj - Waystop trader village. used as rest spot for beetle Ruins. Location of temple of Keylis.
  • Fort Muzzo - Huge expansive tunnel fortress giving access to the North. Exit of the desert into Hepulchor. Military barracks.
  • Atohk - North Central lakeside town. Foothills of Sunless mnts. Iron and tin and copper mines.
  • Heaven's Gate - Northern Mountain tunnel exit into the WildReach. Dwarven run and very active explorer's town.
  • An Fuzik - Large frontier trader city in river cooled steppe valley. Githyanki and human run. Rest spot for access to Takesh.
  • Zerund - Large fortified city and gateway trader town to Takesh.

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Shaik Najibah Ibn Faris
Pharaoh-Shaik of Al'Shiael
National Territory


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