Amaro - God of Light

  Amaro (Ah-maro)
The Light that Warms Edus
The Morning Lord and Sun King

Elder Power of Light, God of Dawn, Rebirth and Renewal
Major power on Elysium
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Light, Dawn, Rebirth, Renewal, Luck, Fortune, Harvests
Aliases: Amaro-Sarmash (Hepulchor/Anwar), Amaro-Ilyene (all other known nations East.), Amaru (Western Edus)
Domain Name: Aruora (Palace of Heavenly Light)
Superior: none
Allies: Toth, Ertus, The Lost, (also Eilyene)
Foes: Malgam, Obat, P'thaugh
Symbol: Multi-rayed yellow sun with stoic face on field of white.
Worshippers Alignment: G, NG, CG, LG



Different places see and describe the God of Light differently. The most commonly aggreed upon description is as follows: A brilliant white hot light surrounding a figure. the purest light among the heavens, showering this figure. A tall, muscular male with flowing golden hair, yellow as a spring sun, 

  Other Appearances:


Amaro-Sarmash (Hepulchor/ Anwar)


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