Anton Von Strukwald

Ser Anton Von Strukwald
Major in the Red Dragon Division. Loyalist to Gothmyr.

Whats Known

Anton Von Strukwald is a major in Gothmyr's army and 2nd in command of Fort Regna. A huge tree of a man, Von Strukwald stands over 6' 6'' and over 300 lbs of beaten hard-as-iron muscles. The major's demeanor is that of a soldier who knows his place and is loyal to the Flag, the Crown and then Colonel Regna. His smile often shows the few missing teeth replaced with platinum falsies. Von Strukwald is a fighter and cleric of Prens. He walks the grounds of Fort Regna with his huge armored warclub on his shoulder. he has a familiar, a pseudo Dragon named "Pup" that flies around him or hovers on his shoulder.


Anton Von Strukwald started life as a paladin and adventurer, but soon fell from grace during a battle which his rash decisions made him betray his allies and a fellow cleric of Prens was killed. Instead of the toiling journey back into the graces of the church, Von Strukwald joined the military and found a life, fitting his war-like tendencies.
Anton is loyal to General Regna to the death, and even more so towards Gothmyr and the crown. He claims Prince Jeggred healed him personally on a field of battle seventeen summers ago along the Wildreach border. That alone makes Von Strukwald loyal to Prince Jeggred.


Calm and cheerful, but reserved and thoughtful describes how you will find Von Strukwald on most days. If his pseudo dragon, named "Volley" is a shade of reddish-purple, steer clear as it's a sign Major Von Strukwald's mood has soured.


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