Antronova Peltreski

Antronova Peltreski

       Dame Antronova Peltreski is the head Cleric and paladin of Eilyene. Blonde of hair and green of eyes. 6ft 2in in height. 25 years of age at about 180 lbs. Adorned in yellows and reds with blood red trim. Weapon of choice is morning star with accompanying body (tower) shield, with Eilynne emblazoned on shield. She is brash and aggressive like any Lavi, even though she was raised in Gothmyr. Ana rarely ever smiles, unless she is on the brink of combat, or she is in prayer to Eilyene.
      Born to a pair of unknown parents in Anistlav, she was discovered on the steps of the church of Eilyene in Olto. Eilyene's high clerics took to raising her as another child of the wild, but in hopes to adopt her. Ana's stubbornness and difficulty in raising made sure she was destined to belong to the church. She fought constantly, and only calmed and listened to orders from the high priestess of the Church in Olto, Matron Bellitrix Munfess. Matron Mumfess seemed to be the only one who could control this child of the wild, so she became almost an adoptive mother to her.
       Ana took to her studies of Eilyene and dove headfirst into the history and honor of promoting Eilyene's grace across Edus. Her penchant for violence also began to shine as she took to military studies in her later childhood. On her fourteenth day of birth, she claimed herself to the church and began studying as a paladin. Ana was sent south to Kings Watch for further training and military studies. When Matron Mumfess passed of old age, Ana took an oath to make her proud and took off from the church to spread the light of Eilyene across the land. Her favored morning star weapon became her holy item for prayer.
        Ana was soon joined by her friend from the academy in Kings Watch, Lillian Stoutheart, and the two began to move inland to the wildreach seeking glory and to promote Eilyene's word. They joined an adventuring party, which led them all into the ancient Brambledeep Forest. There, Ana was faced with her greatest nightmare ever concieved. She watched as hundreds of nightmarish creatures pured from a cursed city deep in the woods, and slowly tore apart her party and friends. Only Lillian and Ana survived. Swearing an oath to Eilyene Ana vowed to bring light into the Brambledeep Forest and cleanse Edus of the foul evil that grew under the shadowed boughs. Thus the formation of Eilyene's Eye.
       Ana and Lillian built a camp outside of the forest, a few miles from the location of her friend's death in the Forest. Soon others came to collect around the Camp and began bringing or gathering provisions. As a trio of dwarves arrived, they began seeking stone to build a proper fortification. Ana took this boon as a favor from Eilyene, and soon converted the entire camp to Her Lightbringing ways. Between Lillian's gathering of resources far and wide, and both of their contacts in Kings Watch, She was given and granted the land to build the mighty cathedral which eventually turned into a fortified Monastery.


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