Anwari Riding Lizard

Anwari Riding Lizard  
Frequency Common to uncommon
Organization Solitary
Activity Cycle Diurnal (Day active)
Diet Omnivorous
Intelligence Very: 11-12
Treasure Nil (in nest 50%)
Alignment Neutral
No. Appearing 2-5
Armor Class 4
Movement 16 (12 if saddled)
Hit Dice 6+2
THAC0 16
No. Attacks 2
Damage/Attack 2d4+4 bite / d4/d4 claws
Special Attacks tail whip 2d10 dmg
Special Defenses Spit
Magic Resistance -
Size Huge 12'-18'
Morale Low to Steady
XP 850
  The Anwari Riding Lizard is a domesticated species of giant lizard found almost throughout the lower and eastern regions of Edus. The Lizard is a remarkably agile and strong creature, capable of not only climbing with a mounted rider, but also pulling carts and wagons with as much ease as a horse. The name is derived from the first nation to use such beasts as mounts. The Jungle nation of Anwar is known to have used these beasts since the 2nd Age. The domestication of the Riding Lizard had stagnated through the 4th and 5th Age, but as we move into the Age of Fortune, the Riding Lizard is seeing a resurgence in popularity and usage.   The Native Anwari name for the species is Lintrok, and a group of them is called a pect of Lintrok. Plural is Lintroi.   The name has become the official descriptor of these lizards due to the origin of most of the breeding bloodlines: Anwar. Many countries can be seen with these beasts roaming the city streets or estates of well-to-do nobles. The capitol of Gothmyr, Kings Watch, in particular, has an abundance of these Riding Lizards and even some Anwari hired to breed them for the city.   The Anwari Riding Lizard is born usually in pects of 1-3. The mating cycle happens twice a year, and most of those born in the summer are of stronger stock. Those born in winter are either small, weak or even albino, and commonly dying off before maturity. Once a newborn is accepted by its mother, it is kept near for 2-5 weeks, before being ignored, so the mother can move off to find her own food. Those that live and grow can become as long as 18 feet long and weigh over seven hundred pounds. Albino Riding Lizards, while rare, are seen as a bad omen, or even a curse upon the breeder, and can be eaten by its mother or father. Some seek these specimens for their own exotic pets, and will go as far as breeding mothers until an albino is produced.   Anwari Riding Lizards take 2-4 months to domesticate if both parents are domesticated. Each wild parent will add another 4 months to finalize its domestication.   The Riding Lizard will defend its master, or its pect of younglings, with a series of sideswipe claw attacks, followed by a bite. The claw attacks do 1d4 per hit, then next round following a bite that delivers 2d4+4 damage. Being bitten by the Anwari Riding Lizard injects a slow-moving disease, which causes lethargy, slowness and vomiting for 1d6 days. A save vs. Disease will negate the effects.
Its final special attack is a massive tail whip. The speed is quicker than an elven bow string and stronger than an ogre's fist. If it connects, it will do a staggering 2d10 damage. Any hit with the tail will cause the breaking of limbs, ribs and even neck, regardless of armor. Some of the more wild varieties of the Riding Lizard have a special defense, spit. If the spit lands, it causes blindness (permanent) and welts and boils upon unprotected skin, making the victim unable to attack without a constitution saving throw before each attack! This will last 2d10 days or until magically healed. A save vs disease at a -4 penalty will negate the effects. The Anwari Lizard can only do this once per week, and will only use it as a last resort, fleeing immediately afterward.   Any Anwari Riding Lizard that is domesticated can be taught 2 commands, or "tricks", plus 1 extra per generation of domestication (up to 8) If the Mother was wild, and father was domesticated, then the lizard can be taught 3. (1 for the father, plus 2 for itself) If both parents are domesticated, then it can learn 4 commands, etc.   Currently, prices in Gothmyr and more specifically, in Kings Watch, are exorbitant. The price goes up for each generation of domestication. Wild-caught and domesticated Lizards are going for 1000 gold; Domesticated Lizards from domesticated parents go for 2000 gold; and Domesticated Lizards from domesticated grandparents go for 3500 gold.


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