Arasmus Everbright

Advisor General to Lord Jeggred Von Luen XIII
Grand Master of Flowers - Shunanju School of Arts

Advisor General Arasmus Everbright is the council advisor to prince-King Jeggred Von Luen of King's Watch. Arasmus is a man who seems to let nothing , good or ill affect his zen. His mannerisms show him as an emotionless statue moving silently besideThe prince King. He is the right hand man of The ruler of Gothmyr, attending to the man's every need, making sure not only the Prince-King is content, and secure. With near silent footfalls, Arasmus can be found throughout the castle at any time, day or night.

Arasmus is a human male of fifty-nine winters. He is of slight build, with shock white mustache, beard and hair, which is braided into a long single thick braid. He wears very loose clothing, hued with neutral tones, and dull design. His one flash of color is his wrapped sash around his waist, which is the remnant of his monk robed from his time in the temple. He wears a simple medallion of plain iron on a chain from his neck. His hands often are tucked into his vest, or behind his back in a pose of attention.

Arasmus was given to the Temple of the Perfect Form, atop mount Shadowspire. He grew up as a monk, working dawn till dusk, practicing his martial arts and completing chores. Upon his fifteenth year, he was sent down the mountain to Kings Watch to sell and buy provisions for the temple. He grew up yearning to see how the King lives. He began volunteering to take the quarterly trek down the mountain to replenish. Around his twentieth year, he witnessed the Prince-king walking through the city, touching his citizens and giving gifts to those needing. He stopped an assassination attempt by a local criminal, saving the life of the prince-King. The prince takes note of the young monk and soon makes a request to the temple to have Arasmus live at the castle and act as part of the Prince's security. He has stayed ever since, working next to the Prince-king. Soon the Prince awarded Arasmus title and promoted him to Advisor General to the throne.

Arasmus is fiercely loyal to King Jeggred and to Gothmyr. He walks in the King's shadow, protecting him from outside threats, and also advises when asked by the King.
He also holds familial loyalty to the Temple of the Perfect Form, above Kings Watch. He has risen to grand master of Flowers, taking a lead position in the Temple. Arasmus often visits the temple and takes a personal hand in the training of the future Fighting monks of the Perfect Form.
Arasmus never found his parents, but treats the members of the temple as his grandchildren, embracing his new family as his own.

Arasmus is a level 20Monk/ level 15 Psionicist.
He can "shadowstep" at will, moving up to 40' through any shadow.
His Medallion of Orum offers a plethora of abilities and powers.
He wears boots of striding and leaping, Cap of Psionic protection, and rings of the Ram and Spell turning


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