Arumguvorax "Molten Wings"

Arumgavorax decimating the outer wall of Mertos

Arumguvorax is an ancient great Wyrm red dragon who once ruled a large portion of the Southwest of Edus during the Age of Discovery. Massive and one of the largest living red dragons still on Edus, He is now only whispered about by his known name; "The Molten Wings". Blotting out the sun for minutes when he flies overhead, he scours his once held land in open rebellion to the gods and to men, eating what he wants, killing what he wants, and taking what he believes is his.

The Molten Wings is approximately 175 feet long, and with an additional 160 foot tail. His massive size alone scare armies into running, and when in flight, his shadow can cover an entire castle. His eyes look as a vertical black hole with fires of yellow and red spreading out from its edges. His teeth are like short swords and his claws are like a set of flamberges. The scales on Arumguvorax's chest are black as soot, and when he walks, its like the ash falls from his belly. His massive front feet can cover two wagons side by side. His nose has a single spike upward, often times smoking like a chimney.

Currently, Arumgavorax slumbers in the remains of a large ancient citadel, a massive fortress with an open topped layout, with multitudes of layers, deep beneath the mountains. He lay siege to the fortified keep, scattering the monsters that laid claim to the fallen fortress. Originally built by mountain dwarves, long since defeated, Arumgavorax has since grown a formidable force of giants, ogres and other creatures, guarding its slumber. The mountain range he slumbers in, sits somewhere on the western region of the Wildreach.

Currently, Arumgavorax bested a medusae called the Jungle Queen and her clan, forcing her to bend the knee to him. The Jungle Queen has sworn allegiance to the ancient red wyrm and has since done what she can to increase her Lord's domain. The Jungle Queen and her conclave of gorgons have decided to bend the knee and do their new lord's bidding instead of being eaten. She has recently awoken and begun gathering the lesser creatures to him, to form an army.

Arumgavorax "Molten Wings"


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