


Capital of Kytos

This is Asboea, (As-Bow-EhA), capital of Kytos and the seat of the Emperor. A massive metropolis spanning dozens of miles. Splendor and beauty are exampled throughout the town, but the town shows signs of neglect. Opulence and luxury for the upper nobles have led this city to languish and the commoners and merchants suffer. Slavery in the city helps keep noble houses clean and manicured, but the rest of the city has fallen to neglect. The massive metropolis still protects it citizens, but uprisings on poor living conditions and riots are not uncommon. The civilization of Kytos is in decline, and it is due to its leadership.

Asboea sits in a protected inlet, Ceasira Bay, A perfect shelter form winds, waves and storms. The island known as Pella Island stands firm beyond the shores of Asboea, taking the brunt of the weather.


The rulership of Kytos is two fold. One ruler for outside Kytos and beyond, and one to make and enforce the laws within Kytos' borders. The Ruler of Kytos is currently Emperor Opatius Fillenias. A strong man in his forty winters. He is the Emperor General and leader of the Free Armies of Kytos. Opatius has a penchant for lavishly living beyond the means of even an Emperor. extravagant Parties, debauchery and overtly lavish celebrations that waste months of food in one evening, leaving the commoners of his capital city to scrape and skimp to survive. Opatius feels his people have become lazy, unable to pull themselves out of the muck, and treats the different layers of the Kytos Caste System as he thinks they deserve. Emperor Opatius will take ships of his troops, and head to the main continent, to wage war on the various coastal empires and nations. Emperor Opatius will leave and allow the other half of the Leadership of Asboea to take over.
The second half of the leadership of Asboea and all of Kytos is the Counsul of Asboea. The Counsul is a voted in collection of forty men and women who act as a congress, voting on laws and rules, helping keep the order of Asboea and the rest of Kytos. The movement of laws and changing laws in Asboea is a slow process. Voting takes days, and men and women of the Counsul will take visitors to allow them (and their gold) to sway their votes. Corruption is commonplace and the Counsul barely makes an effort to hide it at this point. Every five years, or if an emergency happens, members of the Consul are voted in and out of their position. It is not uncommon to have a newly apopointed member march into the Capitol building with armed escort and a battle ensues on the steps with the current seated member of the Counsul and his guards. New members that were votes, come from their home city or region, and will often begin by making a slew of bills, trying to make change in the Counsul, and the laws of Kytos. This rarely makes any difference. Many consul members are in their position due to noble families or Domini backing them and making allegiances for future favors.

Places of Interest in Asboea:
  • Capitol Building of Consulars
  • Dawn Spring Market
  • The Hanging Gardens of House Benitoa
  • The Water Park of Asboea
  • The Coliseum
  • The Drowned Mackerel
  • Iron Guardian Armory
  • Steel Angel Weaponsmith
  • The Alabaster Market
  • Asboea Docks
  • Asboea Dolphin Market
  • Aegis Collegium
  • Maritine Shipwright
Current Ruler:

Emperor Opatius Fillenius

Current Head Counsuler
Chief Consular Edimus Rexeo



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