Bellarius "Firefly" Windwillow

Belarius "Firefly" Windwillow


Belarius Windwillow is known throughout southern Gothmyr as one of the most influential wood elves in Southgate. The short, smirking wood elf is a shrewd business man, noble and member of Southgate Court. Many further north in Gothmyr know of "the Southern Firefly" by reputation only. A reputation he worked hard by cutthroat business dealings, and clever negotiations with nobles, merchants and even kingdoms.

Belarius is a five foot, two inch wood elf with short cropped but well-quaffed black hair. His chestnut brown eye never misses a detail. He wears a red sash over his left eye, covering the missing eye socket. Underneath his eye cover is a brilliant magical, multi-faceted Tiger's eye agate. Belarius always wears finery and leathers of the highest quality, imported from the royal seamsters of Landsindiryll. His telltale green color favors his complexion and it always is his nod of honor to his Wood Elven roots.

Born to a military General father and a noble shipping magnate mother of Landsindiryl. Belarius was the eldest of three other siblings (two males, one female) and took charge of his mother's shipping business. Belarius doubled his family fortune and was on the fast track for nobility and a seat within Landsindiryl's court. His younger brother, Arityn took ill and soon his family was spending more money than Belarius could make, hiring clerics, anatomists and charlatan shamans from all over Gothmyr. His family was milked dry and in the end his brother died anyway. This left Belarius angry at his parent's decisions, but still losing his brother was worse. Another noble man assaulted his mother while in court.
His mother claimed assault, but it was not able to be proven, and the man used his influence to destroy the Windwillow family name within Landsindiryl Court. Belarius' mother was ousted from Court and his father was forced to retire from the Army. His mother took her life and his father followed her shortly after. His last brother and sister both changed their name and moved to King's Watch to start over. The eldest Windwillow took his father's longsword and attempted to attack the noble. He had his guard cut the young pup's head off, but missed, cutting across and through both cheeks. His guards held him down and make other marks on the young elf's face. his mouth wounds bled as the guards let the yound belarius go, and he ran to the church of Keylis. With as much healing as they could, they healed his mortal sounds to his jaw and cheeks, but the scars never disappeared. The scars healed with the vertical cuts along the horizontal ones, which made the scars looks like teeth. Belarius swore vengeance on the man and moved west to Welterburg. He set up a merchant protection service and began hiring mercenaries to guard merchant wagons through the woods surrounding Welterburg and their neighboring towns.

Belarius grew his business to begin including adventurers and taking jobs from nobles and businesses to have them employed by his hirelings. He took over 50% from profits and soon his wealth was amassed enough to move to Southgate. Windwillow himself now runs multiple mercenary companies across the southern border towns of Gothmyr as well as caravan guarding company called "Windbreaker Protection Services". He took the majority of his fortune to Southgate, setting himself up as a coin noble within Southgate, helping the council fortify their defenses as well as buying the entire mining company new tools (from a deal he made with a tool smith, using his own caravans to bring them to Southgate, his own people guarding them, of course).

"Hall of Rememberance" - 8 building walled estate in Southgate. 50 staff and guards.
Windwillow Estate - 10 acre plot with large house and 4 out buildings east of Caer Borwyd, Iron Kingdoms.
Windbreaker Protection Services - 100 member mercenary guard company.
Welterburg Iron Shields - Caravan guarding company- 40 full time workers and guards.
partial ownership of "Greggor Smithy & Tools - 10 workers and smith.

Alliance & Affiliates:
Belarius Windwillow has many allies within the southern portion of Gothmyr. He has nobles in multiple cities around Gothmyr and a few even walks the halls of the courts in Kings Watch and Ariyele. Belarius is keeping away from Landsindiryl until he can get some allies to work their way into the higher noble Court.
  • Lady Ananta'nyr Darquenwald of King's Watch - A friend and confidant, Lady Ananta'nyr was friends with Belarius' mother.

  • Androso Montenegro - Owner of Montenegro Trading Company. High blood noble of Gothmyr and Court Baron.

  • Arrin Ledgedawn - Elven blood noble of Ariyele Court. Head of Artisian guild of Ariyele.

  • Meribeth Gran-Sabin - Shii Ambassador for the Court of Ariyele.

  • Aviryl Yumkeggers - Halfling merchant Coin Noble, owner of five taverns and eateries.

  • Current Location: Currently, Belarius lives and operated on the border barony of Southgate. He owns a large walled estate with multiple buildings attached to each other. his estate is called "Halls of Rememberance" and is manned and staffed with 30 staff and 20 guards. Belarius is working hard ,trying to get a portion of profits on the coin exchange of Southgate as well as the multiple taverns and feasthalls. Belarius often travels out of Gothmyr into the Iron Kingdoms, seeing a new field of growth for his businesses. The name Windwillow is beginning to be known in the Northern baronies of the iron Kingdoms. He has bought a new small estate outside of Caer Borwwyd, in the foothills. He has not been seen at the estate yet, but many who have dealings with him believe Belarius is using it as some sort of plan for leverage.



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