Black Dragon Tavern

The Tavern of Adventurers and Kings Alike!
Best ale and stout in the Known World!

Just inside the main West Gate of Kings Watch sits a thick, old four story building of stone, plaster and wood. Tall peaked slate roof reaching high into the cool Gothmyran sky. The leaded glass of the windows shows light and shadows moving inside, as raucous laughter and layered conversations spill out into the main street. A half elf wearing noble clothes, exits the double doors, arm over the shoulder of a female Pulchori woman wearing too many daggers. Both stumbling and laughing. The tune of a lute can be heard beginning another song from inside. The sign above the door has three letters burned into the wood: B.D.T. The swinging placard says "Black Dragon Tavern". 

In every Age of Edus there has been a Gothmyr, a Kings Watch, and in every Age, it seems there has been a Black Dragon Tavern. Historical accuracy in these times is sketchy at best,  but what has been told from person to person through the Ages, is thus: In the beginning of the formation off Gothmyr, in the First Age.. there was a tavern built for the refugees that traveled with the Shadowed Knight of fable. This tavern let both commoner and noble, soldier and farmer alike eat and have shelter. The first winter  all of the refugees huddled around the newly built hearth for light and warmth. The Tavern was first tested by a drake of the swamps, up from the south, who refused to let these new mortals invade her land. The death of the drake ended with her body draped over the roof, spilling the blood down the shingles. This christened the tavern, The Black Dragon.
The original builder was a huge hulking man named Luceus Krogier. He and his three sons built and maintained the tavern. The building fell from father to son, handed down through the Ages.
  Every time the city of Kings Watch was rebuilt, the Black Dragon was one of the first buildings erected. This gave both hope to the townsfolk, plus a location for planning, eating and safety. The Black Dragon grew and soon, other taverns in the town were named such to show homage to the original bastion of ale and hope.
Soon the sons wanted their own tavern, and they each took their portion of their father's fortune and set ut in different directions to another town, to do what their father did in the capitol all those decades previously.

Rodderick Krogier, Human male of sixty-four winters. Massive Gothmyran man with salt and pepper black hair with huge hanging handlebar mustache.
His wife, Monika Korgier, a Dark Elven female of three hundred winters. Originally a Soldier/ Mage of Gothmyr, reaching Lieutenant before retiring.
They have eleven children, all but two own their own Black Dragon Tavern somewhere in Gothmyr.
Rumor is that the Prince is partial owner as well, or just a investor, but the tavern never has been out of coin, or ever short on food or supplies to feed anyone who enters the door..

Notes of Interest:
  • The Black Dragon is a chain of taverns all across the Nation of kings Watch. Most are owned by a blood member of the Krogeir Family.
  • The Prince-King Jeggred Von Luen has directly invested in the tavern line, owning partial stock in their success.
  • The Prince-king is known to appear in the back private booth, having a nice glass of wine with his people. Often granting favors or holding a 'commoner's Court' from time to time.
  • The menu has a small disclaimer on the bottom, most do not read.
  • The Taverns all have magical wards imbued in the building itself. No one can cast magic over a orinson or level 0 cantrips. Employees wear a bracelet that allows them spellcraft.
  • Employees wear a platinum adorned black choker. Rumors state it allows them to telepathically communicate to each other, and give a small breath weapon.
  • It is said, if you take your boots off in the tavern, and one boot goes missing, you are destined to die within three days.
  • Anyone who naps or sleeps within the Tavern, is gifted a full nights rest.
  • Healing within the tavern is always at it's most powerful effect.

Black Dragon Menu:


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