Brauun - The Hate Lord


The Tyrant

  Brauun (Brown)
(Bloody Lord, Blood Tyrant, Lord of Hate)
Full Deity on Prime Material Plane
Alignment: Evil
Portfolio: Tyranny, Hatred, Fear
Aliases: None
Domain Name: The Oubliette, Plane of Torment, Abyss
Superior: O'hl
Allies: Shahde', Caen, Nimbos, Kregilk,
Foes: O'hl, Eilyene, Silvein, Palin,
Symbol: Bloody Skull with silver flames in the eye sockets/ bloody gauntleted fist, upraised.
Worshippers Alignment: Any Evil, CN



Brauun is the true villain of the Pantheon. He is coined “The Bloody Lord, the Blood Tyrant and Lord of Hate" by more than just his followers. Those who rule with an iron Fist, those who kill to keep dominance, and those who use fear as a tool, all show favor to Brauun.
When kings use its citizens as fodder, or use them as sacrificial symbols to the others to keep them in line, the king shows homage to the Blood Tyrant. Tyranny in all forms feeds strength to Brauun, and any blood spilled to keep the Tyranny continuing also fuels the dark god's power.
Brauun never comes directly to Edus, but his minions and his followers do the work of their dark god for them. There is a reason why Brauun never comes to Edus. He is imprisoned. Brauun sits within his prison on one of the Fugue planes, scowling like a child, punished by O'hl. Only the strengthening of hate and increasing the tyranny on Edus will loosen the bonds of Brauun’s prison. Legend says Brauun tried to usurp all the portfolios of the other gods, to unbalance Edus and send it into a world of torment and oppression. Brauun was tossed into the Fugue Planes as punishment. The legend says that when Edus can hold no more hate, cannot bear one more tyrant, and is at its darkest, Brauun will be freed to fulfill his goal and control all of Edus in a new era of tyranny and pain. Brauun does still have one true friend left in the Pantheon. Shahde' is Brauun's lover and still works behind the veil to free her lost soulmate. Often, followers of Brauun are visited by a shadow, offering to give them access to the Shadow Source to further their tyrannical hold. Warrior Kings who act as tyrants often find priests of Shahde' arriving at their doorsteps, offering sage advice. Shahde' pushes her followers to aid any tyrant or warlord to further break the bonds of Brauun.

    Other Manifestations:
The Church:
Day-to-day Activities:
Important Holy Days/ Ceremonies:

Not many people follow Brauun. His portfolio leaves little to be desired, except to the power-hungry, or tyrants seeking to keep their hold. Commoners do not often pray to Brauun, but there are many who will seek to follow Brauun to try to get a sliver of power to elevate themselves from their current station in life.

Priests or knights of Brauun are called “Foehammers or Painlords” respectively. The priests often hold gladiatorial games, and speak evil into the ears of weak Kings. The Warriors who follow Brauun are warlords, often laying siege to defenseless towns, mindlessly raping, taking slaves and sacrificing harmless children to wild bezerkers.  
Specialty priest: Foehammer {To Be Continued}

"Foehammer" Cleric of Brauun

"Painlord" Paladin of Brauun (Meri'Jaa)


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