



The town of Bretto is known as "Bear town", and some locals have come to call it even Bearto. Bretto is home to one of Gothmyr’s unique artifacts. A gigantic obsidian bear, sixty feet tall at the shoulder stands at the entrance to the town from Kings Watch direction. The bear has been here since the last era, and no one knows the history or source of the giant statue. The bear is made from pure obsidian, and is the first thing anyone notices about the town when approaching. Some postulate it is from Ages past, and belongs to a collection that is lost or now destroyed. Bretto is a loose collection of mountain wood shacks and stone based homes, most single story. A few two-story buildings mark the center of town and the more lucrative citizens.
Most of the town of Bretto is a miner’s town. The mountains to the southeast of the town are rich and full of copper and nickel. The Town started as a mining town and has grown into a bigger mining town.

The People:

The populace of Bretto is here to mine, or be with their relatives who mine and promote the town’s export of copper and nickel. At the age of twelve, a boy is given a shovel and let go into the mine with the men. If within three years he decides not to be a miner, he has two choices. One choice is become a soldier in defense of Bretto, or, choice two; leave town. The people of Weston take their mining seriously, and it is hammered home even more since the entire Dwarven race is watching Bretto. There is a veritable tome of sayings from the Dwarves of the nation of Gothmyr. Most of them relate Bretto mining humans to messy dogs trying to find a hidden bone, or a blind gnome with copper madness. Most mining dwarves use the common saying, “Well, I’ll be a Bretto miner!” when they are surprised or dumbfounded. This is the main reason why almost all of Bretto is human. Most people from Bretto are strong and hearty. They do not mind getting dirty for a good honest day’s work. One can guarantee on anyone from Bretto being overly proud, and will have a temper when their hometown is insulted or their upbringing.
  One of the other keynotes of the town is a small copse of trees across the river to the towns East. Within the small wood is the secret to Bretto's success. The remains of a tower, nothing more than the foundation sit in the woods, the ground floor being nothing but a descending circular ramp into the Deepdark. It is an ancient entrance into the mountains to the North of the woods, where the silver and nickel flow from. This gave the townsfolk of Bretto a jumpstart on reaching the deep silver deposits, as the tunnel ramp led forty feet down, before opening into a series of unfinished tunnels (now reinforced for mining).  


The current ruler of Bretto is a mayor. Mayor Tunsten DuRoy runs the mines and oversees the town. A paunchy man in his mid sixty winters. Reddish short cropped hair and beard. He has a penchant for smoking his pipe. His smile in both unarming and strangely suspicious. With his three sheriffs and his constables in town, Mayor DuRoy makes sure most of the town is crime free. But that isn’t to say there is not crime. The people of Bretto support their mines, their Bear, and the town in ANY way they can… sometimes illegally.    

Places of Interest:

  • The Obsidian Bear
  • The (secret) Tower Mine
  • Jonas Tavern and Inn
  • Bear Run Market
  • Lady Silvee's House of Wonder
  • The Silver Pot Inn/Gaming Hall
Bretto cover


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