Bulvar Whitecap

Master Bulvar Whitecap

Officer and Chronicler of the Shining Shield Adventuring Co.



An average looking man in his sixties. Bulvar has white hair and a white handlebar mustache with slight goatee. His frame is thin, but still muscular. His face is surprisingly sparse with wrinkles but his eyes tell untold volumes of his wisdom. Bulvar has a bastard sword strapped to his back and can be seen in his layered leather armor with steel spaulders and elbow cops. A strange device with a handle is holstered on his chest, which is a gnomish-built repeating hand crossbow, build for his size.
Bulvar comes across as quiet. A man of little words, and when he does speak, his voice is usually the voice of reason. Thought always preludes voice, and his mannerisms are that of a bored guardsman accompanying a client. His smile shows his one missing lower tooth, replaced with a silver one, done in fine craftsmanship and the runs carved into the silver give it a glint when light hits it. His Shining Shield badge is always prominently displayed and is often found in the company of Jaleel VenDroggan.
Bulvar is a warrior/priest. His religion is that of Fonton, the Lonely Wanderer.


The man known now as Bulvar Whitecap was born Bulvi Alar to a woodcarver father and a cleric mother. Helping his mother in her small shrine church outside Bretto taught Bulvi religion and tradition. His father instilled in him hard work and toiling for one's beliefs. He worked alongside his father in the summer months, building shacks for miners or repairing taverns or furniture for shops. Bulvi Learned the sword from the guards who would protect his father during jobs closer to the frontier. Bulvi asked his father's permission to join the military, but was shot down and denied. During an orc raid on Bretto, Bulvi's father was killed, along with fifteen soldiers and his mother's home was raided and she was kidnapped into the hills above Bretto. Bulvi, at age seventeen joined the soldiers and found the orc tribe, slaughtering them all with the soldiers, until he found his mother's corpse. At that point, With nothing left to hold him, Bulvai Alar shorted his name to Bulvar and Left Bretto to join the Gothmyran Military as a soldier/ Deacon priest. Serving The churches within the military was difficult for him as he didn't find a patron worth his full faith. Some asked too much of this, or that, or demanded he not do this or that.
Bulvar pushed to be assigned north once again, to police the borders from orc raids. ON a snow-driven night, Bulvar stood watch for over seventeen hours, alone as a guard outpost, not moving. His helmet collected so much snow that it resembled a Anistlav fur cap. He was nicknamed "Snowcap" by his fellow soldiers. After a decade in the military, he was sent to work in the capitol as a royal guard and there he met a drow male named Jaleel. Jaleel and Bulvar became friends and soon were tasked with forming the Shining Shield in Regna.     Bulvar is a level 8 fighter/ level 6 priest.
His bastard sword is a +3 frostbrand that can fly and cast Ice storm.
His hand crossbow is magical, considered a +1, and shoots 4 darts of magical energy per round, every other round.


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