Caen - The Killer


The Dark Killer

  Caen (Ka-aine)
The Dark Killer
Murder, Strife, Intrigue, Pain
Greater Deity
Chaotic Evil
Worshipers: Any Evil
Bloody cranium with tongue impaled


Caen is the God of Murder. He rules the lowest of the Infernal Planes called “Desecration”. Tyrants who destroy their own citizenry or cause meaningless bloodshed across the entire countryside garner the attention of Caen.
  The Deity of Murder is one of the oldest deities that sits in the Pantheon. Caen sits in the Pantheon, but he does so alone. Caen frequently seeks to charm Shahde' or trick her into his bed, but he has yet to take her from Brauun. Those that follow Caen are more than happy to kill and murder and cause pain to those around them for a favor from their god. They will often receive a ‘sign’ or vision in the form of a skinless wolf, running with a trail of blood following it, as a mark of favor from Caen. Many people who know of these visions call it the ‘Bloodied Boon”. Stigmata often times follows these visions, and when Caen comes to walk upon Thaaed, he does so in the form of a huge towering skinless Warg, or a ten-foot-tall bleeding, skinless man: his eyes lidless and face lipless in a gruesome grin of death and murder.
Caen is often linked to Brauun, and the two gods often do work together to achieve dark and evil ends, but both are secretly trying to kill the other to gain his portfolio. Caen laughs that Brauun is punished to his cell, but is equally jealous that the God of Tyranny is left free to gain power from his followers. Caen's anger stews that because of O'hl's punishment, he cannot work towards stealing Brauun's portfolio. Caen’s other jealousy is over Shahde’, as her love for Brauun is a spur in Caen’s side. Her rejection of Caen only fueled his own anger over Brauun .
Caen can hide his jealousy when the end justifies it. He works to overthrow Rasfor to gain control of the Source, and also finds himself on opposite sides of the celestial table from Dunnkan, Palyn, and other goodly Deities.


His priests are known as "Bloodletters", while other followers of Caen are known as "Strifeguards”. Bloodletters rarely show themselves or reveal themselves as priests of Caen until the blade is already in the person's neck, and their lifeforce spills away. Bloodletters often will wear a red scarf around their neck, or a half mask of a blood red color as a silent nod to other Bloodletters.

Caen - Bloodletter

  Alignment: LE Holy symbol: bloody skull with nailed tongue Favored weapon: Scimitar Spheres: Major= All, Healing/ Minor= Charm, Divination, Combat, Elemental Holy times: Midnight, Funerals, Stillbirths, Aftermath of Tragedy Turn undead: No, Command undead 3 levels below avg.   Powers: Level 1:
  • Cause Light Wounds by touch 1/day
Level 2:
  • “Bleeding Eyes” on self- effect opponent takes -1 to rolls 1/ encounter
  • Cause Light Wounds by touch 2/day
Level 3:
  • “Caen’s Pain” bless weapon, on hit- add 2 damage 1/encounter
Level 4:
  • Cause Light Wounds by touch 3/day
  • Audible Glamour (per spell) 1/week
Level 5:
  • “Bloody visage” Opponent takes -2 to rolls 1/ encounter
  • “Caen’s Pain II” bless weapon, on hit 2 damage and 1 round stun. 2/encounter
Level 6:
  • Cause Moderate Wounds by touch 1/day
  • Paralysis (on touch/save for none) d3 rounds 1/week
Level 7:
  • Cause Serious Wounds by touch 1/day
  • Cause Light Wounds by touch 5/day
  • “Pained Grimace” opponent takes -4 to skills/ -3 to combat 1/encounter
Level 8:
  • Caen’s wolf- summon bloody wolf 4 hd for 24 hours / 24 hr recharge
  • Cause Serious Wounds 2/day
  • Paralysis (on touch/save for none) d4 rounds 1/day
Level 9:
  • Curse of Caen: Victim touched 6d6 dmg/ stunned in pain d6 rounds 3/day
  • Cast Chaos 3/day through weapon when hits.
  • Caen’s Pain III bless weapon, on hit adds 2 damage at will
    Rules and Ethos:
  • MUST NEVER reveal being priest(ess) of Caen. Lies keep you alive.
  • Cannot Sanctify land/buildings
  • Must kill any Brauun worshippers
  • Cannot wear the colors pure White or Yellow.
  • Must cause pain to opponents, never show mercy
  • Will not harm a wolf or wolf monster. seen as symbols of Caen
  • Will not use healing spells to heal those not helping the cleric of Caen (non party members)
  • May not aid in healing or celebrate any festival of life or harvest
  • Must not destroy graveyards 
  • Touching a dead body is against the religion for Bloodletters unless killed directly by the Bloodletter.
  • IF able to kill or attack from the shadows, or darkness, will do that over daylight attacks.
Religious, Organised Religion


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