Captain Dinessa Grayblade

Dinessa Grayblade
Captain of the Red Dragons of Regna, Knight of the Royal Order,
Firstborn to House Grayblade, Protector of Grayblade Estate and her holdings
Sister of the Church of Prens,


Dinessa Grayblade is a woman of many words. She is Captain and battlemaster of the troops of Regna. Dinessa is the first to dole out punishment and the first to volunteer for risky jobs. If her heart and loyalty were not so unmatched, many would see her as a zealot or one with a death wish. The troops call her "The Dragoness", but never within her earshot. Dinessa is an aggressive solider, one who prefers war to peace, but can be trained to heel by her superiors. She is quick to anger and often times will hold a grudge for years. She's short with people beneath her she knows and even less friendly with those she does not. This has often gotten her into trouble with nobles, which is why she was picked to join the Red Dragons in Regna.

Dinessa is a 5' 10'' human female with chestnut brown hair, both sides and back of her head shaved. Her brown eyes always squinting but alert. She has a small scar running from her left ear to her neck, from a fight with a pirate.
Becoming Strukwald's Right hand, she was often seen forcing her way into discussions and arguing with other officers. She was as heated on the battlefield as off. One evening during a drinking game, she was called out for being too aggressive, and with a mouthfull of spirits, she blew it into the torch next to her, breathing fire. Hence her moniker among the men as "The Dragoness".
Dinessa flies the red cape and tabard of the Red Dragons but still wields her shield with the symbol of Prens on it. Her magic long sword is on her hip along with a small mace, with the head shaped like shields.

Dinessa was born into a noble house of merchants. She was born during an undead battle within the capitol city of Kings Watch. Her mother died during the battle and she was raised as First born to her Father and their house. Given proper title and name, she grew learning nobility and schooling, but she never strayed far from her House troops practice yard. Dinessa , as a youth, practiced and fought as hard as the boys twice her age. She drove herself to break many bones and soon toughened her ladylike exterior to match her hardened and fierce personality.
In her teens, Dinessa was taken to the church and given guidance as a Cleric of Prens. Becoming a cleric helped hold sway for her fathers house, but also got her out of trouble, she often fought her way into. The church armored her and soon let her take missions within the city. She found a calling from within Gothmyr's Army and became a Chaplin, as well as working her way through the ranks. That is when she met Anton Strukwald.


Dinessa is a Captain of the Red Dragons of Gothmyr in Fort Regna. She is a cleric of the Church of Prens and a warrior Captain in the fort's army.   Location of Operation:
Fort Regna   Current Events:            


Dinessa has been in communication with the Church of prens to send clerics to establish a church for Regna.   Dinessa has been seen speaking at length with The Cartographer, Dervin Jokkanson, presumably for travel guidance for her forthcoming clerics of Prens.   Dinessa has a dislike for pirates. Her usual comment when dealing with them is "For Pren's sake, I wish to see every Pirate hung by the yardarm."   Dinessa does not venture outside the Fort Proper into The town of Regna unless accompanying a superior officer, or if on task.   Dinessa can often be found in the fort, tending to wounds, like an angry nurse with bad bedside manners.


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