Citadel of White Iron

In the Second Age in the season of Sumril, The month of Otome, Master Hunpai Serengal and his army of loyal monks and knights were driven from their King’s Meadow temple as an ancient red dragon, Ador’lunfriezo took control of the region. The monks and men took their magical items and relics they protected within their temple, to keep them from the dragon. Carrying eons of magical power locked in items and relics as they escaped across the plains toward the foothills. Master Hunpai and five score of his men made their way deep into the DragonSpine mountains. Fighting off orc and Giant their numbers began to dwindle. The lack of food and clean water also took their toll on the escaping army.

On the seventh day of no food, Horses eaten and this men on the verge of collapse, they made their way into a mountain alcove. As thy planned their path, they were beset by magical creatures of darkness. Magical beasts unable to be touched by normal iron began to close in on the starving and beleaguered army. In a selfless sacrifice, Master Hunpai prayed to his gods, And sacrificed himself on the barren rocky ground.

His body was consumed by magic and exploded into a blinding light. The entire mountain alcove flourished and began to grow grass, trees and a natural spring began to bubble up and offer clean mountain water. A Celestial being of pure light descended from the heavens and aided in protecting the men as they ate and regained their health. The magical barrier kept all creatures not loyal to Hunpai out, protecting the men further. For days the men ate and drank, looking up at the silent and still Celestial being floating above the mountain oasis. They dubbed the Celestial overseer “He Who Breathes Light”. The men slept soundly under the protection of He Who Breathes Light.

When they awoke, there was a large temple, almost identical to the one they escaped from on the King’s Meadow. Made of pure white stone and iron, the temple had appeared out of thin air overnight. Master Dornorgor, next in command took his men into the temple to find He Who Breathes Light floating over a large pool of milky white water. The temple was made to protect the relics and ancient items of power from the greed of the outside world. The men swore loyalty to He Who Breathes Light, and stayed within the Temple of White Iron to serve the Celestial and the protection of the relics of power. As years and years gone by other men and women were drawn to the White Iron Temple. As they arrived, they described to those in the temple of a sister temple in the foothills below. A small wooded temple of no religious aim housed those attempting to become worthy for the pull of the White Iron Temple. More followers were arriving, loyal to He Who Breathes Light and the White Iron Temple. As they worked to defend their small temple they awaiting the call into the Mountains.

During the Great Darkening in Jenu For a fortnight, the Temple of White Iron disappeared from existence and was lost. The place where the Temple of White Iron once sprung into existence was left empty and barren once again. All guards and servants disappeared with the Temple. For two decades, the mountains sat empty and the lower temple was overtaken by orc and serpents. The lower temple was lost to the embrace of men and fell into the hands of the Beastlords. During the third Age during a lightning storm of three moons, the Temple of White Iron was spotted in the mountains, back where it once arrived originally. The men and guards moved about the alcove without issue and as if they had never left. Eons and Ages had closed the path to the Temple on land. The people of the Temple delved down and allied themselves with the dwarven kings of the Dragonspine mountains. He Who Breathes Light lorded over the mountain oasis once again, protecting the Descendants of Hunpai and his men.

During the 4th Age, upon the Curse of Scales, the Dragonspine mountains were invaded by the Dragon Kings and their servants of Wing. The Temple of White Iron was beset on all sides by tooth, claw and flame. The Dragon king of this land fought to gain access to the hidden hoard of treasure and platinum held within the Temple of White Iron. During the battle, many men of the Temple fell to the Dragon invasion of the Curse of Scales. On a final written scroll it was witnessed a magical barrier of pure Opal was cast over the Temple like a dome. For a fortnight the dome stood as dragons, dragonkin and beasts threw themselves against the barrier. After that fortnight, it is rumored the dome fell and when the dust settled, the dome was empty and the Temple ponce again was gone to the winds of time and space.

Orcs grew in strength after the Curse of Scales and overtook the majority of the surface of the Dragonspine mountains. Soon the Orc pushed into the giant’s territory and a new war began at the doorstep of the missing Temple of White Iron. Vor’Rell the Usurper tasked men and beast to find access to the Temple of White Iron. History tells rumor of an ancient red Wyrm thought to be the original Dragon King of the region backed Vor’Rell. His was drove an ancient mountain city deep underground, cursing them all into undeath and locking them underground. The Usurper took control of the Orc of the Mountain, save a few clans and began marching them through the mountains, seeking the Temple for its hidden relics and artifacts that were god-forged.

No one knows the original location of the Temple of White Iron, and no one has seen the Temple of recent times. But all lore now lost, claims the Key to the Temple of White Iron is the Key to the Temple of White Iron.


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