Clan Battlebarrel

Clan Battlebarrel
The Lost sons of the Onyx Citadel

When one comes across the score and a half of dwarves that make up the Battlebarrel clan, they hear them before the see them. Loud, raucous dwarves of men and women whos battle songs and victory shout mark the coming of your imminent meeting.

On the first day of Decinus, middle of the winter of 8009, Thirteen thousand orcs and goblins swarmed through the mining tunnels of the Onyx Citadel, killing every dwarf and citizens ,except thirty seven dwarves. Those thirty seven dwarves were pushed to the surface and escaped with their lives and nothing more. The group huddled together, as strangers, for protection and safety in this new foreign land on the surface. One stood above all, making decisions. Barrek Battlebarrel, sixth cousin to the old King of Onyx Citadel. All the other survivors looked to him, and began calling him "King". So Barrek led the thirty six other remnants into the foothills.

Location of Operation:
The Onyx Citadel is deep beneath the western mountain border of Gothmyr and the Wildreach. But since clan Battlebarrel were formed, they have been walking across the surface of Edus looking for fights. Fighting for coin, they go where the coin flows, and recently, the clan has heard of lost kingdoms with full coffers in the Wildreach, looking for help fending off monsters. So the Wildreach is their new home.

King Barrek Battlebarrel is the current ousted king of Onyx Citadel. He leads the remaining members of the citadel as they fight for coin across the surface of Edus.

Members of Clan Battelbarrel:
King Barrek Battlebarrel - King and leader of clan Battlebarrel
Akorr Battlebarrel - Priest and 2nd in command
Ango Battlebarrel - Sharpshooter and rapid response rider
Cerro Battlebarrel - Cleric of Alstrun
Dakko Battlebarrel - Runepriest and wizard
Deklo Battlebarrel - Forgelighter Paladin of Grumbarr
Domin Battlebarrel - Battlerager and trollslayer
Durgin Battlebarrel - Soldier
Eggo Battlebarrel - Forgelighter Paladin of Grumbarr
Gennie Battlebarrel - Rogue and spy
Genoa Battlebarrel - Soldier
Hensa Battlebarrel - Champion of Grumbarr
Kiko Battlebarrel - Battlerager and twin of Krako
Krako Battlebarrel - Battlerager and twin of Kiko
Landry Battlebarrel - General and soldier
Murano Battlebarrel - Master and Forgelighter of Melle
Murgan Battlebarrel - Ranger
Otto Battlebarrel - Ranger
Ruberik Battlebarrel - Forgelighter of Alstrun
Ada Battlebarrel - Cleric of Melle



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