
The Citadel of the Wood Elven Court
North Elven Barony



Sitting nine days West-Northwest of the forest-covered Calellyl Mountain, fifteen days West-Southwest of Kings Watch sits the citadel of the Wood Elven Court.

Gir'Leonius - The Wood Lion. King of the Elves of Ariyelle.
Known for wearing a massive albino lion skin as a cloak, with the head of the lion as a spaulder on his left shoulder. He wields twin magical mithril battle axes. He is able to handle these massive axes one handed. He was trained in dual wielding by warlords and military Generals of Kings Watch.
The Baronial Court is made up of over 100 courtiers as well as thrice that as add-ons and aides. Seventy-seven noble houses help the King rule and make laws for the forest city.

The People:

Ariyelle Town map

King Gir'Leonius  
Ariyelle Noble House

Rhil'heeyl Embassy

Airyelle Druid Stones


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