Cult of the Eye

Cult of the Eye

The cult of the Eye mainly operates as a secretive organization that is publicly known, but never publicly acknowledged. The Eye sees the current Pantheon as false gods, and follows the Ancient Gods, that have long since died. Their powers are mysterious, as the high clerics within the Eye have their prayers answered and given divine magic from someone. This news hasn't worried the Gothmyri Crown much because it seems no more than a bunch of dissaffected cleric mumbling in a tavern basement of old gods and prophecy.  The symbol of this cult, always carved into the sides of defaces abbeys and temples, is a Black segmented triangle with an eye carved into the flat side. Often the eye is cast upon, with gaze attacks to those of opposing religions. Various offshoots of this cult have become more and more seen, with variations on the cult symbol, but always the ever-present Eye.

Before the Age of Man on Edus, the world was governed by a group of seven ancient powers. This was known as the Divine Sept. These seven ancient powers were greedy, manipulative and cruel. These powers tormented and toyed with mortals using them as sport. This upset the overgod and the Sept was crushed, imprisoned or destroyed outright. The people who followed these seven


The cult has sent some of their current member secretly to the other countries to gain followers for these new gods, and hopefully resurrect some of their Ancient Gods into OL’s pantheon. The power and the resources behind this new cult seem to have no limit.



The Cults Symbol is a Triangle of three cut triangles with an eye carved into the flat side.


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