Dark Elven Prosthetics

Gothmyri Dark Elven Artisans

The most advanced artisan craftwork are the replacement limbs worn by injured Gothmyri. These wonders are almost all fashioned of metal alloys: assemblies of precise, intricate parts that are as agile and dexterous as living limbs, with many ball-swivel joints and tendon-like cables for control. This is used to create limbs for those rich enough to replace a lost limb, and to continue to be able to be of use to their family, or their job.

The Fine metal alloy construction makes them both very hard and flexible. They are not prone to shatter or snap off under stress, but can punch or rake through most armor. Such limbs may have specialized, removable hands. One example is a lady whose everyday limb-end is a delicate metal hand may substitute an armor-rending claw, or even a sword, axe, or long-spiked mace end, when expecting battle. If a claw attack roll succeeds, wielder and target both roll 1d8, adding this to their Strength scores. If the drow has the higher total, an area of armor is torn away. A claw does 1d4 + 2 for a punch (crushing blow saving throws for struck target items apply), and 1d4 + 4 per rake (an attack that rends armor does only 1d4 to the victim beneath).
Able-bodied individuals with very deep pouches may have similar weapon or specialized extensions that strap onto limbs or fit over a hand (e.g. a one-piece sword-gauntlet) or foot (e.g. toe-claws or spikes, used for climbing stone and to kick-stab an extra dagger damage-attack in battle).

Artisan Materials
Dark elven artisans have brought their engineering expertise and mathematics for pulleys and weight ratio into their craftsmanship. They use the finest of quality materials to make their works last for centuries. Small trade secrets and tell-tale markers within the intricate works that point to their creator were closely guarded secrets. Adamantine and mithril are the more common requests for materials by clients. Some use starmetal or darksteel. It is not common, but sometimes, crystals and diamonds are used to improve strengthening, as well as alloys, being used by mixing iron and copper, or mithril and darksteel. The more coin available for materials, the more exotic the final product.

History of Dark Elven Prosthetics
In dark elven culture, being born with a deformity ,or lame limb is not accepted. If a child is born with a lame limb, or a small shrunken limb, the child is immediately slated for a replacement of the limb. Amputation and replacement is no more taboo, than burping a child or smacking their butt to make them breathe and cry for the first time. A small child learning to walk on two good limbs, is just as difficult as teaching a child to walk on a prosthetic. The replacing of limbs as children grow and older limbs are donated back, with a buyback discount, for the future children.
A dark elven house with engineers or artisans who specialize in this art, are more favored than a superior warrior or archmage. Many dark elven households will foster knowledge and learning to apt children interested in mathematics and engineering. The ide of a house with one Artisan marks the house as one for nobility, but a house with two or three will shoot up through the noble ranks.

  Fingers: Replacing fingers lost or mis-grown lends abilities. It adds a -1 penalty to dex checks dealing with hand actions. Fingers can be replaced and able to have tools embedded. Lockpicks, small knives (d2 dmg) or needles with fluid reservoirs are known to be made.

Hands: Hands are often the subject of replacing with these artisanal limbs. Hands replaced gain the following skills. +1 to any strength rolls. Damage from melee punches does 1d6+1+Str. Hands can come equipped with claw nails, Hooks fro climbing, or even a wrist attachment place for replacing the hand with weapons.





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