Dawnshields of Regna

The Church of Absolving Light Eilyene Fundamentalist church Headquarters of The Dawnshields
Outside of Fort Regna, on the north side of the Regna River, Is a newly build fortified temple to Eilyene. In the midst of the jungle, this bastion of civilization offers light, hope and sanctuary. This church has no affiliation to Fort Regna, which it sits just outside of. The blazing fires atop each of the three towers are always alight, offering light and safety to those seeing them.   Overview:
The church of Absolving Light Was founded by Grand Master of Light, Adrian Pallant. He and 200 clerics, paladins masons and carpenters build the church proper in little more than 2 months. The church sits on the edge of the Western coast of the Wildreach. The fortified church sits, with two smaller stone buildings with unfinished roofs, meant to become towers, and there is the start of a wooden palisade around the large clearing, not yet finished. The Dawnshields follow and pray to Eilyene, and take her writings and those about their goddess to the extreme. Her guiding light and light is turned to the populace, and used inquisitorally to "ferret out" corruption and Evil. They believe their goddess portfolio of Dawn and Light equates to fire and they use Fire and a symbol of them "purifying evil" from others.
The Dawnshields are thought of by others, to be perversions of Eilyene. Even the true cleric of Eilyene look down on the Dawnshields and think they have themselves, corrupted their Goddess' words. Dawnshields hide into the background when around other Eilyene priestesses and will become just another cleric of the Dawn Mother, unless their numbers are greater than the other Priestesses. True cowards through and through, they use torture and interrogation on people why "claim are evil touched or corrupted.", Many an innocent victim is murdered by torture or staked and burned alive, simply from an accusation by someone else on their evil deeds (true or fabricated).

The Church of Absolving Light sits on the west coast of the Wildreach, just north of Fort Regna.

The Grand Master of Light is Adrian Pallant, a beautiful human male from Pennimair. He has three High Cleric officers beneath him: Adjucator Prime Thomas Roundtree. An angry armorer cleric paladin with a flaming long sword from Gothmyr Chronicler Elias Fontloroy, A stuffy, chubby man with skills for interrogation wields a double headed flail, from Gothmyr High Magister Jacob Laurentis. A tall bald bearded man in robes, A mage cleric with a demeanor of an intelligence officer from Pennimair

The Clergy:
Most of the clerics of the Absolving Light wear the uniform of white and gold, with highlights of red, making it sometimes difficult to distinguish them from the Red Dragon soldiers in Fort Regna.
The clergy pray at dawn. welcoming to the sun as it rises in the sky. Their entire life is focused on making rooms brighter, making people.. more pure, and helping with births and Light.
The main cleric that interfaces with Fort Regna is Sister Sierra Von Stratten, a dusky skinned female from Al'Shiael. She talk with a strong accent and wields a silvered longsword and shield.
For the most part, the Dawnshields of the Absolving Light keep to themselves, and do not bother the townsfolk of Fort Regna. They ignore the soldiers and military of the Fort proper outright. more and more people are going over to the church for services, and seeking hope in the form of light. They are pressured to confess sins to be absolved. Some people think this is their way of intelligence gathering of the goings on in town.
There have been murders, or in their words "Cleansing sin from unenlightened." People have been found staked, stripped naked and burned alive in front of the Church. No one in the church claims the act, but the clerics all proselytize the act was done for the betterment of Light.

Grand Master Adrian Pallant

Adjucator Prime Thomas Roundtree

Chronicler Elias Fontloroy

High Magister Jacob Laurentis


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