Death on Edus

What happens when you die?

  Life on Edus is indeed hard. But (almost) every creature comes to their own end, either by old age or spell or sword. When this time comes each creature must embark on the next chapter of their life (as it were). The spirit or soul of the dead travels to the after life to begin it's trials.

Once a soul is freed, it travels to Purgatos the home plane of N'Asu, the Judge. Once they arrive, they're put into a large town, with wide streets that all lead in a pinwheel layout to The Castle of Souls. There within the castle, the soul is led by Soulguides to N'Asu to be judged. Once the soul is judged, they then are divided into 3 categories: Believers, Heathens, and Otherworlders.


The Believers

Those mortals and creatures that have a god, who pray loyalty to a power of goddess, are sent to their respective god's planes. Once they arrive, their escorted Soulguide awaits at the edge of the plane until final judgement is made. Once they are judged by their god, they will either choose to stay on their god's plane for 444 years, or immediately go back to the Soulguide to be taken to the Source.

The Heathens

The mortals or creatures who have no god or goddess to answer to are judged by N'Asu and then returned to the source. Their soul is added to the massive pool of souls which are used to both power magic, as well as pulled from when a new life is given to Edus. Rebirth is usually either an upgrade or a downgrade depending on the life previously lived. This is the Judgement of N'Asu and determines if your next life is hard, or easy. Heathen souls are always wiped of previous memories and they are blank slates when they enter the Source.
Any soul that refuses the judgement of N'Asu are called "Castoffs" and are sent to one of the three Barons of Purgatos, the Green Baroness to become a slime or mold.

The Otherworlders

As guests in our realm, and visitors on the plane of the Dead, Otherworlders have the strangest of time after they die on Edus. Judged by N'Asu for their actions on Edus, their judgement determines their time spent in Purgatos. Most souls are left in Purgatos and cut off from their own realm of Gods until their judgement sentence is fulfilled. The large city surrounding N'Asu's castle becomes their home, and they take residence in Purgatos taking jobs to pass their time. bartenders, street sweepers and food merchants are otherworlders, making the citizens of Purgatos look very alien to a visiting mortal.



The City:
The city of Purgatos , is shaped like a spoked wheel. All major streets point to the center, where the Castle of Souls sits. From there rules N'Asu, the Judge who presides over his plane. All those within the Plane of the Dead are under his protection. The city is made up of fifteen sections, separated by 14 major streets. The sections of the city have become grouped by their respective followers of the 14 major gods. The 15th section is for polytheists or monster souls.

The streets are patrolled by the Soul Guides. Spirits of unwanted souls that have decided to pray to N'Asu within his home plane, getting benefits from his power. They appear as misty Spirits, without form, save for twin steel gauntlets with glowing insides. The Soul Guides act as constabulary, intermediaries and sometimes emissaries to various clan compounds within Purgatos.

The Crypt Countess Outside the city proper of Purgatos, there are three major players or powers in the Plane of Purgatos. The most influential and powerful is the Crypt Countess.
One of the first dead who left Edus, the Crypt countess was cursed to wander the outskirts of the plane, wandering through the vast ruins and endless wastes. She grew dark and soon began feeding on other lost souls, gaining strength. Soon she came to the city of Purgatos, and faced N'Asu who made her bend the knee to his power. She took the mantle of Countess of the Court of the Dead, and has sworn to collect wayward souls and deliver them to N'Asu.
At a staggering 10' tall, her lithe and wispy form is covered in layers of flowing black fabric. some say they are extensions of her, and she uses them like arms of an octopus. She is often seen with a lanter, 2 feet tall, and glowing the sale glow of souls, and it has been surmised the lantern is where she stores the souls she comes across.
Purgatos City

The Crypt Countess

The Green Baroness


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