Deities & the Planes

The prime material plane is not the only plane of existence in the world of Edus. There are multitudes of planes and demi-planes, constantly begin created and destroyed, changed or increased in size. Many of these planes have denizens that call the plane home that find themselves sent to the prime material on Edus. I will attempt to go into some detail here about both the planes and their denizens.

The Gods Planes

All of the deities of Edus all claim one or more planes ‘home’. They construct massive kingdoms, citadels or even jus use the entire plan of existence as their home with no walls. Rasfor claims the Source Plane as his personal kingdom and home. Palyn claims the Celestial Courts as his home on the Plane of Law. Dunnkan calls the Fields of War his home on one of the Celestial planes home. Brauun sits in a dark corner of the Abyssal Plane as his prison home, and Shahde sits with him, putting his prison within walls of luxury. Wyrek built the Citadel of Invention, a massive moving and transforming castle on the edge of the Ethereal Plane. And Silvein and Nolukele both live on the Golden Forest, another celestial plane. Nimbos resides in a corner of the Plane of Torment, as does Caen. These are just some of the places the gods call home and control what goes on without someone watching their every move.
With the Celestial Planes in activity, this means there are more than just deities living there. Devas and Angels, as well as divine creatures roam them, just as Outsiders, Horrors, and Beasts of terror roam the Infernal Planes. Many souls who travel to their god know what it is their god projects as a deity when they reach their home and deal with the denizens of their respective plane.

Abyss and Ether

All of the Planes that the gods use are separate from the two closest planes to the Prime Material. Abyssal and the Ethereal Planes are the two most common pit stops for Planeswalkers and Wizards. The Abyssal plane is black. Shadows of gray and smoke drift through the inky blackness, allowing little in the way of detail to be seen to any but the untrained eye. Creatures float through the Abyss, flitting here and there. Larger creatures hunt endlessly for food or prey to chase. Life in the Abyss is dark, deadly and very often, short.
The Ethereal plane is the brighter version of the Abyss. Smoke light gray floats through the star speckled white of the plane’s horizon like floating through thick fog, the Ethereal plane is a conglomeration of Elemental planes and the Positive Plane. Still creatures move about and call the Ethereal home, as well as a few sentient races.
To say all Gods call separate planes home does not mean there are not gods or demigods that call the Ethereal or Abyssal plane home. Renymka and most of the Drow Pantheon call the Abyssal plane home, and the Elven Court sits on the Ethereal Plane.
Entering either plane is fairly simple with applied magic, but getting home is another matter altogether.

Deities and Demigods

There is an order to things within the power of the Pantheon, from the highest celestial court, to the lowest most abhorrent Abyssal enclave. The nature of Edus is different than other worlds. Power comes from within as well as without. This rule is universal from the lowest mortal to the highest deity. Demigods are not just made from a greater deity ascending a mortal or creating a demigod to serve him or her. Most all current demigods, known as "Saints" evolved from mortal coils into their pantheon seat.
Demigods, or Saints, begin as mortals on the planet. As they live, they begin to gather followers. As more followers begin to follow them, some begin to pray to their charismatic leader, or even give sacrifice for a boon from their mortal idol. As more people begin to pray to a person, they claim the title of Saint. As the Saint grows in power, his/her god or Patron will see this as a vassal, collecting more worshippers to the deity's or patron's portfolio, and will begin granting boons down to the Saint, as a faithful follower. Treating them as a prophet, they become a vessel for their deity's power. As more worship this mortal they give power to their target of worship, Flowing the power through the Saint to their actual deity or patron. In return, the Saint begins hearing these prayers, and soon is able to gift boons or even spells unto his followers, with power from his deity or patron.
Eventually, once the saint has enough followers, the deity or patron will ascend this Saint to the Pantheon, gifting him his rightful seat. But the path to achieve this end is a treacherous one. There are hundreds of saints, vying for a chance to become like a god. But often the vanity of mortals ends up forcing the faithful to turn from the deity and makes them instead


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