Dervin's Cartographer

Fort Regna mapping and Cartography Shoppe
Along North street in the jungle fort of Regna, Sits a wide, two-story shoppe with a home upstairs on the third floor. The sing out front is shaped like an unfurled map with a rusted iron compass on it with a calligraphy "D" beside the compass.
This is the shop of Dervin's Cartographer.
This is the first stop for anyone wanting to go outside the walls of Fort Regna and brave the hostile jungle. The first floor is a cozy, thick-wooded shop with shelves of rolled maps, both of elevation and landmarks. Books line the west wall, behind the counter which separates the back half of the shop, where Dervin makes the maps, and the 1/2 height 2nd floor. The split-level room's upper floor is Dervin's office and the storeroom of goods such as paper, scroll tubes and ink. various maps and elevation maps in various states of completion.

  The Shop:
The shop is a split level building with a massive front room, most business is handled in this area. a large offset desk in one corner, now covered with massive piles of maps and parchments dominate the room. the walls are linnd with shelves of rolled parchments, maps, notes, and other writings.

  The Proprietor:
The shop is owned by a man of the same name, Dervin Jokkanson. A shaky six foot tall with a 200 stone build with a paunch. His slicked back greased hair with wiry mustache and beard along with his brown skin mark him as a Pulchori male. A master map maker and artist, his skills in cartography is matched by his silver tongue and his skill in deal making. Jokkanson often time rumors he is a noble back in Kings Watch, his father Jamen Joakkan ran the cartography guild in the North ward. (which is a partial truth, the man named Jamen Joakken did run it, but it was not Dervin's father) Another employee in the shop is Ulga Sturmdottir, a massive Jaan woman with blonde braided hair atop her sixx foot, seven inch frame and 260 stone build. She is muscle, labor and cleaning, while trying to learn from Dervin. Two halfling males, Adin and Berlyn work as apprentices.

  Inside Information:
  • Dervin is a level 11 thief who specializes in forgery. He runs a portion of Regna's black market, and is heavily involved in taking ancient artifacts and relics from the jungle and shipping them home to be sold to collectors.
  • Dervin also is a spy and agent for Pennimair's crown. He is subversively working against the fort and against Gothmyr. He sends missives through his artifact exports to unknown agents in Kings Watch.
  • The cartography shop has a hidden root cellar dug out underneat the outside building. It is where Dervin stores his stolen and found merchandise.
  • Ulga and the halflings are working with Dervin in both the shop and his "information gathering" business.
  • Dinessa of the Red Dragons has a particular outward dislike for Dervin and is suspicious of his motives.

  Prices: Map of fort Regna = 2gold Map of surrounding area 1 hex away = 5gold Map of surrounding area 4 hexes away= 10gold May to Marble mines North = 10 gold. "Official" documents copied = 20gold per.    

Dervin Jokkanson


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