Dieties of The Nations

Dieties of Al’Shiael

Diety Portfolio in Al’Shiael Priests Alignment Gothmyr Equivalent
Anputi (F) Sun Goddess, Light, Birth LG,LN,L,N,NG Eiylele
Obate (M) Moon God, Night, Protection, Bats LG,LN,N,NG,CG,CN,LE Masque
Hezbariti (M) Knowledge, Arts, Scholars, Owls LN,L,G,NG Wyrek
Cronsu (M) Merchants, Fortune, Luck, Camels LG,LN,N,L,NG, Fonton
Keprek (F) Wizards, Arcane Magic, Rattlesnakes NG, N, LN, CG,CN,NE Rasfor
Maf’det (M) Tricksters, Rogues, Spies,Asps All Shahde'
T’pah (M) Nature, Desert Life, Animals, Scorpions NG,N,G,CN, Silvein
Nekbahet (F) Death, Underworld, Monsters, Scarabs LE,NE,N,CE N’Asu
Phis’Aten (F) Wrath, War, destruction, Crocodiles N,CN,CG,C Hek’Ra
Khobek (M) Agriculture, Farming, Masons, Egrets LG,LN,NG,N Johanne
Aken’Ra (F) Hunters, Soldiers, Falcons, NG,N,CG Prens
Khnum (M) Dwarven All Father All Torun
Erili (?) Elven Sun Mother All Leirelle / Mareinel

Dieties of Anistlav

Diety Portfolio  Alignment Gothmyr Equivalent
Grom (M) War, Battle, Lightning CN Hek'Ra
Volos (?) Death, Underworld, Judgement N N'Asu
Ziva (F) Light, Morning, Sun, Renewal CG Eilyene
Zvedza (F) Night, Moon, Darkness N Masque'
Svatovid (M) Duty, Justice, Law LN Palin
Radehost (M) Visitors, Travel, Adventure CG Fonton
Triglav (M) Nature, Animals, Plants CN Silvein
ChernoGlav (M) Smiths, Fortune, Trades NG Wyrek
Devona (F) Hunters Hunting, Harvests N Nolukele
Stribog (M) Seas, Wind N Eschaela
Pogado Power, Tyrany, Maliciousness NE Braunn
Svarog Elemental Evil, Dark Powers NE Multiple
Niya (?M) Death, Undeath, Murder, Killing NE Zzsiulb

Dieties of Anwar


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