Dun'Khan Mcloed

During the 2nd Age, a samurai left the Jade Isles, to explore the main continent. He joined a group of others, and went on to becomes Heroes of the Age.   History:
  Born in the small southern island province of Tsunguen in a village called Angsook. He was born to a soldier father who became a constable and a mother from a noble family. Dun'Khan grew up with a blade in his hands, and learned the way of Bushido from his father. during his thirteenth yeah, his father went to help with a border dispute and never returned.
Upon his 18th birthday, he petitioned the local Daimyo and became a soldier in his army, plus took the offer to study under another samurai. He was given his war fan shortly afterward, after saving his siefu and became a full samurai under his Daimyo. Dun'Khan swore his sword to the Daimyo and claimed to help establish a hold on the mainland for his leader. He was quested with going forth and making the promise come true.

Dun'Khan is a tall, darker skinned Gawa male with long black hair pulled into Samurai ponytail. Strong corded muscles and his steel gray eyes make him stand out from other Gawanese.
He wields a pair of katanas with jet black wrapped handles, and a wakizashi made of magical ruby.

As Lord Dun'Khan helped save Grotmere, he began founding the citadel of Ruby Halls. He began building a castle of particular stone, using Elementalist and Transmuter Wizards by the dozen. The Citadel is a massive fifteen-room keep with fortified walls and three towers. the entire building is made of unpolished and unworked ruby. Sections of the wall are translucent red and gives the building a reddish glow as the sun walks across the sky. Lord Dun'Khan patroled the Northern roads, protecting Kings Watch from any Northern threats. On the spring of [date needed], Dun'Khan took to the coast and set sail with 200 samurai, archers and foot soldiers into Kings Watch. He set sail from the docks and travelled to The jade Isles.   [to be continued...]
Lord Dun'Khan On the Field of Battle


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