Edus, the Continent of Curesh (E-dus)

Edus is the fourth planet from Sil, the Solar star of this system. Edus is the second largest of planets of the seven, dwarfed only by Rictus. Edus is an ellipsoid with a volume of 8.2713×1014 km3, or 700 earths. its surface area is 4.27×1010 km2 or 83 earths. Edus has five main landmasses, with one additional at each pole. Curesh is the largest continent, making up almost 2/7ths of the surface of Edus.
Edus is the planet's name, and Curesh is the main continent. The name "Edus" is what the Primordials taught their creation, the titans which taught the giants to call "The land" Edus is a titan/giant word for Land. Most mordern people use the term "Edus" as both planet and Continent. There are a total of six recognized continents. Five large and one small island continent.
The continents on Edus are:
  • Edus: Main and largest continent, basic high fantasy world.
  • Dousan: Other Northern hemisphere continent. Hordelands, High Steppe, Asian Flavored Land
  • Raelinta: Unknown
  • Dulzi:
  • Thraecyn: Second smallest continent on Southern hemisphere. Classic 'Conan, Howardesque' fantasy world
  • Pelduir: Second largest continent. Prehistoric lands and mythical Location of Elven Homelands

Acturn and Shahde':
Edus has two moons, Acturn and Shahde. Shahde being the smaller of the two and further away. People of Curesh see the Moons as siblings and legends all tell of the Brother Acturn chasing his smaller sister Shahde' through the heavens, because she had stolen his light. Other stories tell of Shahde' hiding in the night sky, afraid of Sil, and her brother Acturn coming out at night to find his lost sister.

Rumors state there is a third black moon, with civilizations on it, the original people of Edus that were hidden away before the portals opened and O'hl brought the mortals to Edus. Some claim once Edus reaches its seventh and final Age, the moon will return, and the people of Edus will be forced to be judged worthy of their home.



Fauna & Flora


Natural Resources

Alternative Name(s)
Curesh Edus


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