El Corvo

El Corvo The Raven Mercenary Guild

No image frightens the people of Ciudal Sahn, or makes criminals take caution than that of the raven symbol of El Corvo. El Corvo Mercenary Guild is known throughout all of Hepulchor and even beyond its borders as an elite guild of warriors, killers, and merciless sell-swords. The guild has been hired by even governors of cities and towns for protection, or enforcement of new laws, or even to bolster their own military. Often times, the lawyers who proclaim new laws by the Empress, will put a symbol of the raven on the posted proclamation to quell any revolt or refuters. Just the threat of El Corvo enforcing calms most mobs.

The guild is a loose knit groups of "branches" or chapters of mercenary squads. Each squad could have any number of members, led by a captain, who answers to the Chapter Maestro. The Maestros answer to the Generals, who answer to the Council or "nest".
Most members have military training, or were soldiers or warriors before joining. Also, most of those same members are criminals or those exiled or kicked from military units, so their morals are tenuous at best.

No one knows who all rules El Corvo. What is known is a few members who make public decisions and that there is a council of multiple people who vote on all guild business.

Area of Operation:

Known Members:

Modus Operandi:

Guild, Assassins


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