Eschaela - The Sea Witch

"The Sea Witch"

Eschaela "The Sea Witch"
Major Deity
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Oceans, Storms, Hurricanes, Sailors
Aliases: The Sea Hag, Ocean Witch, The Deep Queen
Domain Name: Castle Anthozoa. Realm of Aquolia
Superior: None
Allies: Nimos, Walkir, Fonton,
Foes: Silvein, Eilyene, Shahde
Symbol: Three crest wave of blue on a field of gray or gold.
Worshippers Alignment: CN, N

Eschalea is the goddess of the oceans. Her control is over all things water. She is the ‘Wicked Mistress’ and the ‘Cruel Maiden’ that all sailors give careful respect to during an ocean voyage.
Claims of ocean hurricanes and tidal waves all are tagged as Eschalea’s wrath. She enjoys toying with sailors, and letting her whims be appeased from one moment to the other. Eschalea is worshipped in every port; every inlet and even pirates build shrines to her on their islands, giving her gifts that reflect her terrible beauty. When she decides to appear on Edus, she appears as a giant water elemental shaped of a luscious female with endless beauty. Other times, she uses creatures of the oceans as her messengers.
Eschalea has a mild interest in Shu'un from the Drow Pantheon, and is rumored to be the daughter of Blurbulae. She is known within the Pantheon to fly off the handle and throw tantrums unless her whims are met.
Eschalea controls any body of water, and her control is ever questioned. Her anger is usually what most people see as her touches to Edus. Hurricanes, Tsunamis and even whirlpools mark the angry response of Eschalea. Ocean creatures and aquatic monsters pray to Eschalea as do some Aquatic Elves. Merfolk cities create grand temples in the deepest parts of the ocean and fill it with treasures claimed from shipwrecks. Many ships that are sunk in fierce storms are said to have something in their hold that Eschalea wants for herself. The Goddess of the Oceans is known to flood entire coastal cities to give access to some of her more... deviant followers. It has been documented accounts of entire towns flooded only to find hundreds of sahuagin or Deep Ones, laying siege to their docks. Many shops often take priests of Eschalea along with them for long trips, or when their hold is full of particularly expensive cargo. Offerings mid trip are made to prevent storms or freak weather from capsizing their boats.

Priests of Eschalea are almost always male, as Eschalea's vanity won't allow beautiful females to hold control of her faithful. Her priests are called 'Wave priests', and wear blue head to toe, along with a pearl inlaid headband. All Wave Priests are required to bath at least once a day, and must swim in the ocean during a fierce storm to appease Eschalea.
  Appearance: A beautiful woman of green blue skin, with hair like frothing waves of black and white. She has fish gills on her neck and her ears are fans like fish fins. he lower half is either seen as a dual tailed mermaid, or a multiple tentacled octopus

Known Avatars:
The Kraken "Eschaela's Spawn"
AC: -8
Mv: 24,
FL: -
Sw: 120
BR: -
HP: 680
THAC0: 2
#Att: 2
Dmg: 2d20/2d20
Magic Resist: 90%
Sz: Titan/Gargantuan
Spells P: 6/6/5/5/4/3/3/
Spells W: -
Special Att/Def: Tsunami, Earthquake, Tentacle drown


  Specialty Priest: Wave Priests
Clergy Alignment: CN, N
Turn Undead: No
Turn Water Creatures: as Turn Undead
Cmnd. Undead: Yes
Bonus Prof: Religion, Seamanship, Rope use, Ocean Knoweldge

Further the fear and respect of the ocean by all creatures that walk land. Promote Eschaela to even the land locked nations, making them to fear the oceans and their power.

Day-to-day Activities:
  • Swim once within the ocean daily.
  • For every aid you give to fishermen or sailors, you must balance with a chaotic act to another.
  • Bless newly made ships before their maiden voyage.
  • Bless and hold ceremonies of promotions of captains on the sea.
  • Take voyages on the sea, protecting a ship, or seeking to sink it mid voyage.

Important Holy Days/ Ceremonies:
  • High tide: Time for worship, two hours daily. (in salt water if possible)
  • Low tide: time for reflection, one hour of silent rememberance.
  • "Kiss of The Sea Witch" Before a storm on the sea.
  • "Sanctify of a Sailor" Blessing on new ships with new crew.

Major Centers of Worship:
The Coral Church of Waves- Kings Watch Docks in Gothmyr
The Sunlit Wavehold- Surlin docks in Iron Kingdoms
Triune Wavehome- Ciudal Sahn, Dock Ward, hepulchor
The Frozen Coral - Temple in Ulayev, Anistlav

Affiliated Orders:
The Albatross - Sailors who pray like clerics up and down the coast.
Brinelords- conclave of sea priests in Hepulchor.
Saltlords- Order of Knights/sailors/priests in Chkal, in Anistlav.

Priestly Vestments:
Long robes split like horserider robes in blues and whites. Coral necklace or shells adorning.
Religious, Organised Religion


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