Foldorious Kohlerbeck

Grand Magus Foldorious Kohlerbeck, Human male Wizard
Advisor to Lord Jeggred, Crown Prince of Gothmyr

The man known as Foldorious Kohlerbeck walks through the halls of Castle Gothmyr as an enigma. No one questioning his movements, and no one stopping him to ask him if he belongs. He stalks the library and study, often floating up to the high shelves and floors. Foldorious acts as if his blood is noble, and no one can cast doubt it is not. The man follows Prince-King Jeggred As an advisor and has shown nothing but pure loyalty to the Prince-king.

Foldorious has no kin, and his bloodline dies with him. It is not known if the man has children or any true born successor, but he claims none publicly. Foldorious claims the banner of Prince-King Jeggred his family and protects the throne and the prince thus.

Foldorious does own property. He owns The Old Street Library in Coin Ward. He has partial ownership of Daeyner's Fine Paper. He owns a three acre estate outside Kings Watch he rarely visits, and claims to own property within the Iron Kingdoms.
Foldorious has little need or want of relations, either professional or romantic. But as for his relations in Kings Watch:
  • Prince-King Jeggred is his top priority and most loyal to.
  • The advisors Board that follow Prince-King Jeggred Foldorious is also loyal to, also considered allies.
  • The High Library in the Crown Ward, and all sages within consider him an ally.
  • He has allies within the paper industry and many businesses that support mages in Kings Watch.

Game Terms:
Level 11 Wizard, Level 10 Psionicist


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