
The Hero | The Adventurer

(FON-ten) Lord luck, The Hero
Lesser Power/demigod, The Beastlands
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Luck, Fortune, Adventure, Travel
Aliases: The Coin, Luck Boots, Road God
Domain Name: The Winding Road
Superior: Hek'Ra
Allies: Hek'Ra, Eilyene, Rasfor, Palyn
Foes: Nimbos, Brauun, Shahde', Masque
Symbol: A pair of slouched boots on a winding road on the face of a gold coin.
Worshippers Alignment: Any

The Road Hero. The Adventurer. Just a couple names that the Demigod of Travel and luck is known by.
Any traveler worth their salt, or any adventurer about to go delve the depths of ruins or dungeons, will give praise and pray to Fonton for his luck.
Pilgrims often make roadside effigies to Fonton. A pair of boots on the side of the road is a shrine to Fonton, and it is superstition to find these boots and take them to use. it is the equivalent of breaking a mirror in terms of luck.   Appearance:   Known Avatars: AC: Mv: FL: Sw: BR: HP: THAC0: #Att: Dmg: Magic Resist: Sz: Spells P: Spells W: Special Att/Def:   Other Manifestations:  

Specialty Priest: Luckwarden

Clergy: Clerics and Warrior Priests
Clergy Alignment: Neutral of some type
Turn Undead: As normal
Cmnd. Undead: no
Bonus Prof: Religion, Gambling, Direction Sense

Luckwardens believe in Luck. They believe the adventuring life and those who travel, add a level of risk to their life, and thereby begin adventures without even realizing it. Luckwardens believe that even the smalled trip down a country road to the next town over is considered an adventure. So many possibilities could happen,(both good and bad).
Sitting sedentary is the bane to Luckwardens. Movement invites possibilities, and thereby increases risk and luck.
Day-to-day Activities:

Important Holy Days/ Ceremonies:
  • Beginning of a Pilgrimage
  • First day of a new Adventure
  • Jenn 1, New Year Day
  • Acceptance of a Quest

Major Centers of Worship:
There is no established church for Fonton. There is no massive clerical hierarchy that has a structured tree of authorities. The point of his clergy is to be out of a church, adventuring. Every town has one or two small shrines (usually on the road entering or exiting the town) to Fonton. Small stone shrines or wooden plaques, usually surrounded by boots can be seen in every town edge or at crossroads. Often times, town guides or wilderness road guides often will maintain these roadside shrines, without even being a cleric. This seems to be thought to bring the maintainer luck in their future endeavors.

Affiliated Orders:
Every adventuring group, every field research team, or every band of terrain guides is an affiliated order. There are orders that actively give Fonton veneration but no group gives sole worship to the furthering of solely Fonton.

Priestly Vestments:
The priests of Fonton usually wear whatever adventuring gear they own, but the one thing all Clerics and Warrior-priests must wear; a pair of boots. Any boots. And even halflings, who are priests of fonton, will often cut the soles of boots off, wearing the spats on their tops of feet. The other item most priests and priestesses are never seen without is a coin. A simple coin to determine luck or chance. The Clerics of Fonton within Hepulchor use a deck of 8 cards, with quotes like "YES, NO, Maybe, It will be a Risk, Better Ask again" to shuffle and determine the outcomes of a risky venture.


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