Fort Regna

Fort Regna_Inside


  Fort Regna is a wooden and stone palisade protected fortress outpost. Fort Regna sits on the Southeastern edge of the Wild Sea. It technically is on unclaimed land, but Gothmyr has claimed the land and its surroundings for the Prince. It is comprised of sturdy and hearty men and women that share the chores of upkeep as well as defense. The small contingent of soldiers within Fort Regna number a mere 100, with the standing militia adding another 175 or so able bodied men and women. Two dozen structures of significance are the only permanent residences within the Fort's walls. There is three full galleons anchored just offshore, with full compliment of guards, along with 7 - 8 fishing boats and other vessels. Ships arrive with supplies and to cycle out soldiers every 3 months.  


  During the Summer of the year of the 21st Harp 321 (RO8321), while Pennimar has waged a campaign on Gothmyr's southern border, A select group of soldiers undertook a mission. This secret mission was given to them by the Prince Jeggred of King's Landing himself. And dubbed the platoon the Red Dragons. The then Colonel, was promoted and Dominic Regna was put in General command of this new secret platoon. These Red Dragons took multiple ships and sailed around the southern edge of the continent of Edus. They found their way into the Wild Sea and stuck to the Western edge of an uncontested and uncharted jungle. The trek was wrought with peril. Monsters, creatures of the deep and even pirates harried the convoy of ships and even sunk two of the five galleons. The remaining ships landed on a small land mass that was bordered on the north by a massive river, and a large jungle to the east and to the south. The fifteen lumberjacks and other soldiers took to cutting out a large area to begin making a fort. A secret fort on the opposite side of Edus. Soon the palisade walls were up and the wooden spiked walls surrounded the new foothold for Gothmyr.  


The current leader General Dominic Hearstead Regna is the current Ruler and Regent of Fort Regna. Other "Red Dragons" troops:  
  • Second in command Major Anton Von StrukwaldMale Human
  • Captain Dinessa Grayblade Female Human
  • Lt. Weber Falsgard handles the fortress day-to-day issues. Male Southern Half Elf.
  • Obin Dast Warchief and commander in charge of the Storehouses. Male Mountain Dwarf
  • Lieutenant Shaniel Verharess Female recordkeeper and Chronicler of the Red Dragons. in charge of supplies and fort armaments. Female high Elf.

Areas of Interest

  • Fort Regna Proper
  • Dockside Warehouse = Pair of massive, Twentyfive foot tall warehouses , holding the contents of the towns, fresh water, food, flour, meal and other goods off the ships that come through. The pair of warehouses are heavily guarded and patrolled more than the fortress itself. Lt. Weber Falsgard is in charge of security on them.
  • Dervins Cartographer = Located middle of the North road. The large home/shop is run by Dervin Jokkanson. He also deals in "liberated" ancient relics from the jungle. Rumor has it Dervin also has a hand in the black market exporting of artifacts from the Wildreach. Dervin's shop can be used to find hints and rumors of lost treasure in the jungle.
  • Jacobs Armorsmith = (Pronounced Yay-cob's) Johannes Jacobs is a large Jaan male who is missing his right arm (behir took it) Him and his wife and daughter run the mill. All of them are above 6' tall and overly strong. Johannes Pays well for returned iron or weapons recovered in the jungle, having a gift for re-forging iron.
  • Goldstone tavern & Inn = Raydinia Goldstone, female stoutfoot halfling with golden curly hair, runs the tavern. Seven employees work the floor and cookery. Offers meals and drink plus entertainment. Often has strange 'requests' for items gained out in the jungle. Pays very well for more exotic requests
  • Shining Shield Adventuring Co. = Massive stone and mortar building seemingly looking like an old church. Large adventuring guild, 200+ members strong, with it's tri council leadership manned by Jaleel VenDragoon.
  • Mother Norinka's Shop = A stuffy cramped home-turned-shop. Mother Norinka's Shop is known throughout the fort and the town for its uniqueness. A shamaness, a Pristess of a orc goddess, Mother Norinka can be found selling or trading tasks for items.her Specialty is potions and balms that seem to heal almost magically.
  • Barrowhill Lumber = Large double building compound near the NE gate. Run by Alik Barrowhill of sixty winters, and his two sons. (Tim and Luke) Alik often hires Shining shield guild members to protect his lumberjacks in the jungle.
  • The Temple = A non denominational, multi-altared temple erected by Priests of Wyrek. The keeps main office is now held by Priests of N'Asu, and the church has become a hospital and morgue of sorts for those wishing their body shipped back to the known world.
  • Church Of Absolving Light = Newly built fortified temple church of Eilyene. It is a Fundamental headquarters for an offshoot of Eilyene, the Dawnshields. They are inquisitors searching out corruption within Regna.
Fort Regna_Inside
Outpost / Base


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