General Aaron Sun Boone VII

General Aaron Sun Boone VII

First General of the Armies of Gothmyr, Prince Jeggred and Protector of the lands

General Aaron Sun Boone VII is the seventh son of the seventh son who wielded the name Aaron Boone. Aaron stands tall in both spirit and in stature, defending the lands of Prince Jeggred. He commands the armies of Gothmyr and is a tactical genius.
Aaron stands just over six foot, with a shaven bald head. His features are of the Jawanese heritage from his mother's side. Aarons ice blue eyes are said to cause fright in lesser men, and even warriors bred on the battlefield, will cower form his presence. Aaron Boone wields "Soulcleaver", a two handed flamberge which crackles with black magic.

Born to a military General father and an Ambassador mother from the Jade Isles. Aaron grew up with sword in one hand and politics on his mind. Aaron rose quickly through the ranks of the Junior soldiers and entered the academy as an officer before his eighteenth birthday. Aaron excelled through his classes at the top and graduated as a commanding lieutenant. His father, still in the military sent him to another General across Edus, to guard duty within Hepulchor. There, the young Boone met the second most influential person in his life. He was put under the watchful eye of General Anton Ironshield. General Ironshield was a dwarf who protected and commanded the soldiers within the Gothmyran embassy. Anton taught Aaron to listen, to pick up on social queues and to read between the ever-weaving lines of diplomacy with the ambassadors.

Six summers in Hepulchor and Boone was returned to the main army, where his father again, sent him North, to Araburg, with a contingent of soldiers, who, along with two score of mercenary conscripts, Boone was put second in command, under Dame Roslyn Eberhart of Krale. Dame Eberhart taught Boone guerilla tactics, subterfuge on the battlefield and the laws of war. Her other lessons taught him when to throw law and rules aside and bend them to achieve victory.

Five seasons fighting within the Wildreach, ended with a transfer to The southern border to Southgate Keep. Within Southgate, he was second in command to General Dion Olbrect II. A huge man of seventy winters, He taught Aaron the balance of war and peace, and how to administer the citizens who often huddle near military outposts for protection. Aaron learned how to Handle the differences between citizens, and soldiers.

Finally, with a return to King's Watch, his father welcomed him with open arms and travel papers in hand. Aaron was swept off to the far off exotic Jade Isles to the east. There, he was stationed in The main embassy and was taken to fifteen different Seifus. There, Aaron learned the arts of Fighting, both weapons and open handed. He absorbed it all. He was given time to visit the land of his mother, meeting and reuniting with his extended family. Soon his tour was over and Aaron Boone was sent back to King's Watch... to his father.

Upon his arrival, Aaron was put under direct command of his father, who finalized his training by introducing him to Royal courts, acting accordingly within, and how to best serve his Prince. Upon the third month of his return to King's Watch, Boone was given his father's position, as he retired.

Boone now stands next to the Throne of Kings and protects as well as advises Prince Jeggred. Aaron is often seen with his "Shadows Wing" accompanying him. The Wing is a group of seven elite soldiers who often are used to perform secret duties and missions for Prince Jeggred.


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