General Regna

General Dominic Hearstead Regna
Firstborn of House Regna, Son of Rolf and Defender of the House Regna,
General in his Royal prince's Army. Leader of the Red Dragons.

Gothmyr Loyalist

Regna is a hard man who has fought, clawed and battled for every inch of his legacy. He is proud of his achievements and uses them as rational to his thought process and his planning. Order and tradition are paramount in his decision making. But making this fort a 'shining jewel" in the crown of Gothmyr is his greatest plan.

That isn't to say General Regna isn't a man that can be swayed, but it takes twice as much any normal man to convince him otherwise. stubborn in his ways, he will take wise council ,if it is backed by sound judgement. "Short of patience and no time for ignorance" is his motto and he works tirelessly to protect the people and his soldiers within Fort Regna. Regna the leader does rely on his Captains and his Major General to see to the day-to-day activities within the fort itself and the surrounding town's safety.
Dominic Regna is an asshole of a man. his pitch black hair, usually greasy and sweaty sticks to the side of his head, which framed a face full of scars. General Regna always seems to be focused on two or three other things, in addition to his current attention. His mind is always going, calculating... planning. Regna wears the red and black tabard and overcoat given to him by Prince Jeggred, proudly supporting his home country, Gothmyr. He weilds a magical rapier on his left hip, and a main gauche on his right.

Born of battle, his father was injured in a border dispute and met his cleric mother, who healed him and they fell in love. Regna was born and grew up helping his mother as a bedside nurses aid, seeing to injured soldiers. Soon, as his father rose in rank, Dominic found himself at his father's side, seeing the tactical maps and the discussions between Officers during strategy. Dominic hit sixteen winters and was enlisted by his father as a messenger and rider. Listening to both side of each message, he began to pick up tactics and military maneuvers. He followed his father's footsteps and joined the Gothmyri army soon after.

A general in the Gothmyri Army, and Division leader of the Red Dragons, Regna holds his country , Gothmyr as his love. He works tirelessly for the Prince, making sure Gothmyr has a firm hold on the Western Coast of Edus. General Regna is Court baron and Noble by coin.

Location of Operation:
Dominic Regna controls and run Fort Regna, named after him, sitting on the Western coast of the Wildreach. Fort Regna hides in a deep jungle bay, enough room for two ships to dock and offload goods and troops.

Current Events:



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