
"The Lion"

  Duke of the Fae Court, Lord of Elves
Major Deity
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Elves, Duty, Warriors, Protectors
Aliases: The Lion, The Fae Duke, The Shield and Sword
Domain Name: The Fae Court
Superior: None
Allies: Lotheriel, Leirelle, Mareyinel, Kala’Sadat
Foes: Messyr, The Dark Fae Court
Symbol: Rampant lion left on green field, white stripes
Worshippers Alignment: LG, NG, G  
He is known as the Lion, the Golden Son and The Son of Light. He is the Champion of his mother and deity to all Elven warriors. He embodies the bravery and stalwart determination of the Elven people.
Girelôn is the god of Duty, Compassion and Heart. He is paid homage to and revered by all warriors, guards, and those fighting for a cause. Girelôn is the son of Leirelle, the goddess of Elven beauty. His boons often come during a duty-fulfilled task by one of his faithful.
Girelôn has no temples or churches built specifically for him, but the open churches always have an altar to the Lion. There are a few temples to Leirelle with small alcoves built for her lover, Girelôn.
His specialty priests are known simply as Lions. These specialty priests are called upon during great wars or battles for the Elven people. Any patrol, squad or battalion always has at least one Lion priest with them, if not leading them.   Appearance:
Girelôn appears to all those worthy as a large High Elf, massive in stature, and full plated mail, minus the helm, wielding a two handed long sword. He is a beautiful male specimen of Elven beauty. Perfect muscles and bones, chiseled Girelôn is often seen riding a golden stag twice the normal size. His boons often come during a duty-fulfilled task by one of his faithful.   Other Manifestations:
A gargantuan golden lion with opalescent claws, eyes and teeth. He also has been seen manifesting his holy symbol of the lion on shields and banners.  
Specialty Priest: Lion

Clergy: Elven clerics
Clergy Alignment: NG, LG, G
Turn Undead: Yes
Cmnd. Undead: No
Bonus Prof: Heraldry, Religion, Armorsmith   Dogma:
Uphold Elven culture, Fight for Elven preservation, Sworn to Duty.   Day-to-day Activities:
  • Prayer for spells is done right before combat training for one hour minimum.
  • Cleanse any and all desecrated Elven sites, even from previous Ages.
  • Seek to better opinions of Elves to other races, by showing the other races Elven grace and honor.
  • Aid other Elves in trouble and be a beacon of duty and honor.
  • Sanctify and consecrate land untouched by other races as safe places for Elves.
  Important Holy Days/ Ceremonies:
First day of summer- Elven Sun Day. Gifts of art or prepared food to neighbors and friends.
End of summer - Day of the Shield; a day of remembrance, honoring the dead.
Winter equinox - Day to shore up defenses, make preparations for surviving winter.

  Major Centers of Worship:
"Temple of the Lion" - Rhil'heeyl center of the city.
"Church of the Lion" - Kings Watch, Temple Ward.
"Lions Shieldhome" - Ciudal Sahn, West Ward.
"Temple of Honor" - Lansindiryll, Temple mount.
"Church of Borathyr" - Iron Kingdoms, South of Conford.

  Affiliated Orders:
  • Order of the Lion - Knightly order in Gothmyr
  • Conclave of Opal Claw - Cleric conclave in Kings Watch
  • Order of the Golden Maw - Elven paladins of Iron Kingdom
  • Order of the Lions Pride - Paladin and cleric of Rhil'Heeyl

Priestly Vestments:
Usually, Lions of Girelôn wear white or cream robes with a yellow vestment atop. Yellow and white with green highlights is visible when a Lion is out in the world.


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