Gnomes of Edus

Gnomes of the Lands of Edus

  "The good half, love, affinity to rocks, earth shrunk in size as well, the skin became ruddy dark like rock. The creature's hair fell out and became a new creature. O'hl attests to all pantheons this new being shall be a gnome. o'hl names him and becomes Dredgeigromlok, First gnome and god of gnomes." -Excerpt from the Scrolls of O'hl

"Yeah, and on that day, the DeepDark was never calm and orderly again!"
-Ruthgerd Anvilsmasher, Dwarven Diplomat for King's Watch

Gnomes are one of the small folk of Edus. they are short, intelligent, joyful and always looking at things from outside the box. The first rock gnomes that were formed when Dredgeigromlok and his kin were born from dwarves have expanded and became different subtypes of the same race, while retaining their own personalities that kept them separate. This article expands the types of the Small Folk.

Rock Gnome:

Skin tone from Pink to ruddy brown, like the earth. Slight larger nose, bulbous and tall top-pointed ears. 2.5'-3/5' tall Personality: Positive, joyful when mining, Inquisitive and Inventive.     Deep Gnome:

Skin from gray-blue to a reddish gray with tinges of dark gray. Bald head and face, some chin hair, Oversized nose. large, side-pointed ears 3'-3.5' tall Personality: Dour, slow to speak, stoic and committed to becoming one with rock.     Wood Gnome:

Sking from light pink to tanned beige skin. Sometimes a green tinge. smaller, round-pointed ears. thinner nose, rarely facial hair. 2''-3' tall Personality: Flighty, Talkative, cannot stand still, Smiling and sometimes mischievous.     Cobble Gnome:

Pink to tanned sand colored skin. Stubby nose and bushy eyebrows. large, round-pointed ears 3'-4' tall Personality: Proud, Positive but realistic, Inventive, Determined and committed to stand out.  
Gnomish Culture:


  Rock gnomes and deep gnomes approach death the same way. Death comes to all, and when they die, they become one with the rocks again. Rock gnomes and deep gnomes have a ritual that is done once they reach their twilight years. This ritual is known as "The Calling to the Rock". Once this ritual is done, a metaphysical change happens within the gnome. The gnome transforms slowly, and eventually becomes rock. Usually it begins with the joints and limbs. The last two decades of a Rock or Deep gnome's life is sedentary, usually sitting in a rock chair or laying in a bed. During those two decades, the gnome stops moving from their place, and meld with the rock they are touching. They still talk, will eat if the whim hits them, but all other body functions stop. People usually take this time to come and visit, or pay respects to the gnome, in their Calling. The gnome will fully become rock and their life ends once their heart becomes stone. Some gnomes claim they can hear the heart beat in the rock for years after, but it has not been verified. It has been known in history that some gnomes, will stay around years after their body joins the rock, and their head still is active, and can impart wisdom or join in a conversation. But most who speak with these partial gnomes in their twilight years seem to find the gnomes distant, and seem to be listening to something far off... and they fade in and out of focus on subjects.

Wood gnomes adeal with death more akin to the surface races. Their body is interred within a stone lined log. The log is then buried in the earth with no headstone or memorial to mark their passing.

Cobble gnomes wil usually found following the same death rites of the human or surface folk they live with. If they do funeral pyres, then so do the cobble gnomes. If they inter in large crypts, then so do the cobble gnomes.

Gods and Religion:
The gnomish deity is a solitary being known as Dredgeigromlok, Prince of Stone. Dredgeigromlok has eyes of flawless rubies, and teeth of gold and platinum. He is often depicted in rich robes and shoeless, as his feet meld with the stone he walks upon. All Gnomes revere and give homage at least in passing, to Dredgeigromlok. Feast days are begun and ended with a mass prayer to the Prince of Stone, as thanks. Anytime a vein of gems is found ,the first gem mined from the vein is crushed with hammer and the dust is sprinkled along the mine tunnel as thanks to the Prince of Stone.

Rock Gnome

Deep Gnome

Wood Gnome

Cobble Gnome


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