Gothmyr Names

Gothmyr: (Gaul, Germanic, European, )

ADALFUNS, battle-eager, or noble helper.
ADALRIK, noble ruler.
  ALARIC, noble ruler.
  ALARICA, noble ruler.
  ALHREIKS, temple ruler (?)
  ALHVAHARYIS, priest warrior (?)
  AMALAREIKS, work ruler.
  ANDAGIS, prompt.
  ANSILA, divine.
  ARAREIKS, eagle ruler.
  ATHALAGILD, noble pledge (?)
  ATHALAREIKS, noble ruler.
  ATHALARIC, noble ruler.
  ATHANAGILD, noble pledge (?)
  ATHANAREIKS, noble ruler (?)
  ATHANARIC, noble ruler (?)
  ATTA, father.
  AUDO, wealthy.
  AUDOACER, treasure watcher (?)
  AUDVAKR, treasure watcher (?) or, leader of the knights (?)
  AUSTRAGUTA, eastern Goth.
  AUSVINTHUS, dawning glory.
  AVAGIS, ancestor-hostage.
  BADWILA, spearman.
  BEREMUD, bear's mood.
  BOTHERIC, commanding king.
  CHILDEFONSUS, battle-eager.
  CHINDASVINTH, dawning glory.
  CHINDASWINTHA, dawning glory.
  DAG, day.
  EBORIC, boar ruler, or, wild boar refuge.
  EBRIMUTH, boar's protection.
  EDIULF, rich wolf.
  EGICA, formidable, or, terror.
  EIRIKS, ever ruler.
  ERMANARIC, public ruler, or, universal ruler.
  ERMENIGELD, public pledge.
  ERMINGILD, public pledge.
  ERMINIGELD, public pledge.
  EURIC, boar ruler, or, legislator.
  EUTHARIC, wealthy (?) king.
  EVERMUD, boar's protection.
  EVORIC, boar ruler, or, wild boar refuge.
  FERHONANTHS, daring his life.
  FRIDEGER, spear of peace.
  FRITHIGERN, spear of peace.
  FRITIGERN, spear of peace.
  GEBERIC, gifted commander.
  GISALRICO, pledged ruler.
  GISELRIC, pledged ruler.
  HADUSWINTH, fierce strength.
  HAIRUWULF, sword wolf.
  HATHUS, fierce fighter.
  HERMANARIC, public ruler, or, universal ruler.
  HERMANRICH, public ruler, or, universal ruler.
  HERMANGILD, public pledge.
  HERMENGILD, public pledge.
  HERMENIGILDO, public pledge.
  HILDEFONS, battle-eager.
  HILDEFUNS, battle-eager.
  HUNUIL, giant will, or, will of a Hun.
  ILDEFONS, battle-eager.
  ILDEFÓNSO, battle eager.
  KINDASWINTH, dawning glory.
  KUNIMUND, able protection.
  LEOVIGILD, pledge of love.
  LEOVIGILDO, pledge of love.
  LIUVA, love.
  ODOACER, treasure watcher.
  ODOVACAR, treasure watcher.
  RECIMIR, great king.
  RICHILA, ruler.
  RICIMAR, great king.
  RODERIC, council ruler.
  SUINTILA, divine peace, or, strong.
  SVINTHILA, divine peace, or, strong.
  TAUTILA, nation, people.
  THEODERIC, people's ruler.
  THEODORIC, people's ruler.
  THEUDEFRED, people's peace.
  THEUDIS, the people.
  THIUDAREIKS, people's ruler.
  THORISMUND, Thor's protection.
  THURISMOD, Thor's mood (or wrath).
  THURISMUND, Thor's protection.
  TIUS, Zeus, thunder, or, brightness, sky, day, god.
  TOTILA, nation, people.
  ULPHILAS, wolf.
  UNWÉN, friend of the gods or Huns.
  VEREMUNDO, guarding protection.
  VERMUNDO, guarding protection.
  VULFILA, wolf.
  WALLIA, slaughter.

Female Names:
ADOSINDA, fierce strength.
AMALAFRIDA, work peace.
  AMALASONTHA, work strength.
  AMALASUINTHA, work strength.
  AMALASWINTH, work strength.
  AMALASWINTHA, work strength.
  AMALINA, work serpent.
  AMALWARA, careful worker.
  AMELINA, work serpent.
  AVAGISA, ancestor-hostage.
  AVINA, heir, or, relic.
  BRENHILDA, breast-plated battle maid.
  BRUNICHILD, breast-plated battle maid.
  BRUNIHILD, breast-plated battle maid.
  CHLODOSWINTHA, famous strength.
  FREDEGONDA, peace-war.
  GAILAVIRA, holy strength (?)
  GAILESVINTHA, pledge of strength (?)
  GARSENDIS, spear strength.
  GELESWINTHA, pledge of strength (?)
  GELVIRA, holy strength.
  GOISVINTHA, Goth (?) strong.
  GOSVINTHA, Goth (?) strong.
  HERMANGILD, mighty pledge.
  HERMESIND, work strength.
  HEVA, life.
  HILDUARA, battle prudence.
  LIUVA, love.
  MATASVINTHA, mother's dawn.
  RADEGOND, war council.
  RADEGONDA, war council.
  RICIBERGA, ruling guard.


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