Graycloak Company

The Secret Society of Investigators of Kings Watch.
Prince Jeggred's personal Psions.

The two adventurer-mercenaries stood there in the middle of the tavern. Blood dripping from their weapons as their heads darted back and forth, searching for more danger. A guardsmen lay dead on the floor, and seven other citizens bled and moaned in pain near the corpse. The two Pulchori men stood back to back, while the rest of the dozen or so tavern patrons stood at their table, watching. The sound of glass crunching under boot alerted them to a movement by the entry door.

"We got more then? we only defended ourselves! No evil was done!" One of them shouted.

Both men turned to see two of Kings Watch guards standing in the doorway, their weapons still sheathed on their belt. All of the tavern goers started shouting in a mass chaos of accusations and finger pointing. The two Pulchori adventurers began collecting their packs, preparing to fight their way out and escape. The guards merely stared for a moment, before each stepped to the sides of the doorway. A female no taller than the shoulders of the guards entered behind them. Her soft boots made barely any sound as her leather clad legs carried her into the tavern. Her gray gloves adjusted her cloakpin as her face remained hidden by her cloak.

Her simple. gray. cloak.

One guard turned and walked out, closing the doors and locking them. The Pulchori adventurers looked to her and then to each other, and the two began to laugh.

Every tavern goer dropped their food or drink and all threw themselves under their tables, or to their knees, covering their heads. The two Adventurers stopped laughing as the one froze completely, just after the sound of his sword hit the floorboards. His eyes glazed over and he made a gurgling sound from a frozen throat. The remaining adventurer began to speak, but found his mouth unable to open. it took every last ounce of his willpower to continue to breathe. The female approached the men and pulled her hood back, revealing her human black hair and soft features, save for a purple tattoo circling her left eye.

"No evil was done, eh? " Her mind opens and begins contacting the mind of the man. "That remains to be revealed."

The Pulchori adventurer felt the woman bore into his mind. A deep crimson dribble of blood began to leak from the corners of his eyes, as the spittle formed in the corners of his mouth. The Graycloak smirked as her work began.
A secretive and elusive group of psionic interrogators, secret constabulary and silent mind-killers of Kings Watch, working directly for Prince Jeggred. The Graycloaks are whispered by criminals to their kids, "Don't rat on your old man, or the Graycloaks will melt your brain." They are the boogeyman of the boogeyman. The Graycloaks appear in times of crime or killing within Kings Watch. No ward is restricted, no room within Kings Watch's walls is forbidden. Once they are onto their quarry, they never stop. It is said they can breach any preventive, by travelling across planes of existence.

The build and race and gender of each graycloak varies, but the one thing that remains constant is the source of their title and name and Myth. The gray cloak. They appear in light clothing or supple leathers, wearing as little metal armor as possible. They are hidden beneath a deep hood of gray, sometimes lined in gold or even blue. They carry weapons, but never has it been recorded by sight of a Graycloak unsheathing a weapon.


They answer to Prince-King Jeggred Von Luen.

Base of Operations:
Their main headquarters is Kings Watch. They are known to spotted throughout each and every ward of the Capital. They have been seen in all other major baronial city, as well as in some small towns, but non of the latter can be confirmed. Their presence means they are under mission to ferret out information, usually hidden or lied about. They have been seen walking freely into and out of the Royal Castle, as well as any church or administrative building with no one stopping them. They operate behind closed doors, until needed somewhere in their city.

There is no KNOWN official written account of the ethos of the Gracloaks. being a hidden secret society, they prefer the mystery left to let the mind create much worse scenario than they could ever describe.
"King above all. Loyalty to the Crown."
"Leave no Question unanswered."
"Seek what is hidden from you, but hide nothing from those above."
"The Crown is your father, Gothmyr is your mother. Truth is the food to feed the family."

Known Members:
  • Ser Arthumun Radisk - Graycloak Advisor to Lord Jeggred
  • Cudius Dagomarus - Graycloak Hunter Captain


Common Graycloak Agent

Ser Arthumun Radisk
Graycloak Advisor

Cudius Dagomarus
Graycloak Hunter


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